The Fun Is Ruined.

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Laying here in the hot warm sun, makes me think how lucky I am to actually have a life and have all the stuff I need. But sometimes life makes me angry, sad and just done. It's funny because life can make you happy, or it can make you suicidal. "What do you think life is An?" I turned my head to face her. She had a light, but hard thinking face going on. "I don't know really... I guess it all depends on the person and setting" she admitted. I nodded my head in acceptance. I guess she was right. It all depended on the personality of the person, and the perspective of the setting. I shook the topic out of my head and sat up. I stared around the pool to see kids having fun and giggling, while splashing each other. I decided to be sneaky and go back to the age 10. I hopped out of my lounge chair and grabbed my water bottle. As I walked up behind Annie, I laughed and poured the water on her forehead. I jumped back and instantly she awed with surprise. "Ugh, Jemmm!" She stood up and shook of the water. "Oh c'mon! It's just water" I laughed as she her face expression changed from calm to annoyed. Annie was a very deep full person. She always had to think deep and get all perspectives of the issue. She was also a very angry person. But she knew how to have fun. I knew Crystal before I knew Annie. I was actually the one who introduced them to each other.

We decided to jump into the pool and kinda cool of a bit. I loved swimming, it makes me feel free and easy. "Oh fuck" I flipped my head to face Annie. I followed for direction of her eyes to a perfect girl with skinny hips and legs. Scarlet. Perfect. I didn't need to have her ruin the day for me. She walked up to me with her so called Barbie clan. "Jem, doll, how are you?" She smiled with sarcasm. "Like you care" I snorted to her. "Ooo better watch the attitude" she demanded. I walked out of the pool with Annie, to get our stuff and head out. I rolled my eyes and didn't say anything back. I walked away from the girl who has ruined my life since day one. I didn't need her to bother me. All I wondered was why me?what did I do to her? I don't think I would ever know. Pissed, I walked to Annie's car and swung the door shut. Seconds later Annie came in the car. "God she pisses me the fuck off" I said with anger. "Don't worry she's probably just jealous" she answered. I giggled a little. "Haha, of what?" I scoffed to her. I looked at my body then to Annie. We both laughed. Annie dropped me off at my house later. I walked in and headed straight to my room. I hopped in the shower, and let the warm water take over me.

Luke POV

Watching Beau flirt his way thru girls was funny but disrespectful. With a random sluty girl on his lap, and him shifting his eyes from her face to her chest. It's typical Beau. He can be a gentlemen, and treat his women like queens, and stick with them for a while. Or he can just pick up girls like a tornado picking up objects and dropping them back to the ground once he had his fun. Shifting my eyes from Beau to Jai, made me think how different they both were, but yet both the same. I'm guessing Jai was on Twitter, as he usually is responding to our janoskian fans. Being the older twin, I see Jai is more quieter, but socially famous. I mean we're twins, but I knew we could both spot out the differences between each other. Like how I have a mole in the middle of my nose bridge, how Jai's lips are more flushed with dark pink. I stand up from the couch, and skip upstairs to my room, not wanting to see or hear Beau with a girl. I blast on the stereo, with Nirvana. My head bangs up and down to the best music. I wonder how many girls adore and love the Janoskians, a smirk creeps on my face. I'm so lucky to make people happy, and make their day. I think it gives me a purpose to be happy myself. My mind leads me to Jem, and if I will speak or see her again until school starts again. I guess I have never been or felt love before. A part of me wants it know how if feels to trust someone with your life, and love someone to the moon and back. But a part of me wonders if It will change, or hurt me.

Later, that evening me and Jai decide to go eat Italian food, and don't invite Beau. "What do you think of Beau's new side chick?" Jai speaks. I laugh at his question. "Ah aha, what do I think?" We both laugh our true laugh because we know Beau chooses the most spoiled girls. Once we reach the Italian grill, we order and leave. A crowd of Janoskian fans reach us from behind and ask for photos. Of course me and Jai agree and take selfies for about at least half an hour. Once the fading crowd dies away I spot a familiar pretty face from a far distance. As the girl hits the street light I notice it's Scarlet. She walks towards me and Jai. "Omg, funny seeing you guys here" and she kisses us on three cheek. I personally find Scarlet a attractive and friendly girl, but don't find a interest in hooking up with her. "Yeah, me and Jai are just picking up dinner" I friendly speak to her. "Oh cool, listen um... We should hang sometime, me, you, Beau, and Jai. Just the four of us. You know?" My eyes flicker down her body and to see her wearing shorts, that could be mistaken for booty shorts. I couldn't help but stare down at her chest, which happened to be peeking out purposely. "Uh yeah, sure I'll just message you" I say trying to not look down. She pins back her long thick black hair behind her ear, and nods in approval. Jai interrupts the silence: "You look very pretty today Scarlet" he smiles to her. "Thanks doll, so do you" she gives him a wink and a smile. "Well, I should be heading off now, bye!" She turns and waves at us, we return the same way. "Wow, how cheesy was that Jai?!" I say laughing my ass off. "Was what?" He replies in confusion. "Oh come on Jai!" I settle my voice to a high pitch voice to seem Jai spoke in a girl voice, and begin to mock him. "You look very pretty today Scarlet" mocking him and laughing at him. "Oh shut up you cunt, I was trying to be nice instead of me secretly look at her breasts." He had a point there. "I just didn't want to give her the wrong message. Trust me she's attractive, and she had some big Ones too" I confessed to Jai. "Oh I know! She did have a nice rack. I guess we are twins after all" he looks at me and we both laugh together into the dark Melbourne sky.

Sorry haven't uploaded In weeks, but will try to upload every Wednesday, if I can :) - @lovelylukeee

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