The Next Days...

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Ch 3


Everything that happened yesterday, the party, running into Luke, and speaking to him keeps spining in my head. Will he think im to "into" him? Does he think I like him? Does he hate me? I dont know, but I think its best if I try to ignore, or dodge his confrontations. I really dont want another problem added to the list of "Jem's worries & problems". When I left Luke stranded at the party, I wanted to stay, but I mean what kind of friend would I be if I left Crystal, in the middle of the night, trying to reach her ex-boyfriend, which clearly she didnt need. Sometimes I get sick of taking care of Crystal, but when I look at her eyes and face expression, I cant help but feel sorry for how many times she got used by the same shitty guys. And I cant help knowing that if I left her, she would do something that I would feel gulit for.

I sat up remembering I spent the night at Crystal's house. I looked around for my phone, it read 12:47.  I walked around Crystal's bed to her side of the bed, I shook Crystal awake "Hey, I have to go okay? Ill text you later?" I whispered in her ear. "Yeah, okay" She said with one squinting eye open. I tiptoed down her stairs, and to her front door. The bright Melbourne sun hit my eyes, and made them water and burn. I walked in peace noticing what a beautiful day it is to go swimming and tan. When I entered my house I felt a cool breeze hit my face, and thanking who ever put on the air conditioner. I walked past the living room and spotted Caroline factiming on her Ipad. "Hey" I spoke. "Oh hey, where have you been?" she asked. "Uh last night I left the party early and spent the night at Crystal's" I answered. She nodded her head. "So, wheres mom?" I asked her. "Oh! Shes sleeping... She got in late last night" I nodded in response. I skipped upstairs, and peeked thru my moms door. I couldnt see much, but I could sculpt out her body laying down on her bed.

I slowly walked to my room and shut the door. I cleaned myself up, and removed all the stained makeup from lastnight. I pulled on some loose sweatpants, and a loose top. I grabbed my phone and scrolled thru all my social media accounts. Once I was done catching up with the bullshit and drama on twitter, I turned on the TV and decided to watch "The Fosters". I unlocked my phone and texted Annie if she wanted to go to the pool. A couple minutes later she texted back, with the response of yes. I wanted to go to the pool, I just didn't want to get out of my soft bed. But I knew I had to.

I walked myself to the bathroom and didn't know wheather I should apply makeup or not. I ended up only applying waterproof mascara, and putting on some of my favorite Babylips. I put my swimming suit under my sweatpants and loose shirt, and gathered all my stuff and ran downstairs. I stopped at the fridge and reached for a waterbottle. And I headed out the door ready to enjoy a beautiful day with one of my bestfriends. Lets just not hope it doesn't get ruined by any snotty girl or shitty person.

This was a boring chapter, it will get better in the next chapter tho (; - @lovelylukeee

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