The Sneak

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Sarafina's POV

Harry and I are finally teaching the DA the patronus charm. It's Seamus' first official meeting and he put his name on the list. I demonstrated the patronus charm with Harry before we started to teach it to the others. I'm helping people find their happiest memory while Harry works on the incantation and wrist movement. "Come on Ron think about when you finally got Viktor Krum's autograph" I tell him quietly.

He does so and a Jack Russel patronus shot out of his wand and knocked poor Neville over. "Brilliant Ron and you to Ginny" I say smiling at my little sister's horse patronus. I then watch a bunny patronus shot out of Luna's wand and hop around the room. Meanwhile an Otter patronus swam around Hermione.

Smiling I walk over to Neville and help him up. "Happier memory Neville" Harry encourages him when silver wisps shot out of his wand.

"I'm trying" Neville tells him and Harry just gives him an encouraging smile. Before going to admire Cho's swan patronus.

"Neville do you remember the time you told me about. When your mother first hugged you and your father recognized you as his son?" I ask him.

"Yes, it's the happiest I've ever felt" he states smiling.

"Then try it, it does not matter what others think of the memory. It only matters what it means to you" I tell him smiling. He tries it and a toad patronus shots out of his wand. (Neville's Patronus:,100):origin()/pre00/1964/th/pre/i/2013/312/0/c/patronus_frog_by_opalsofserenity-d6thjra.jpg).

"Amazing Neville" the twins praise him.

"Yeah, I knew you could do it" I say smiling. Suddenly a frantic Dobby appears. Harry talks to him quietly while holding him so that he'd stop hurting himself.

Suddenly Dobby starts to bang his bare feet on the ground. He shouts "Yes, Harry Potter, yes!"

"What are you waiting for? Run!" Harry shouts at all of us.

"Don't return to your common rooms, it's not past curfew" I instruct.

"She's right go to the library or bathroom, they're closer" Harry adds.  Everyone runs out the door.

"Harry, come on!" Hermione shouts. Harry ordered Dobby back to the kitchen as well as not to tell Umbridge he'd warned us or to hurt himself.  Dobby thanked him and disappeared. I grab the list of DA members and start to run towards the bathrooms with Harry.

"Aghh!" I hear Harry shout and turn. Only to be bowled over by Harry. "Sorry Sarafina" he says as I get up and I turn to see Draco.

"Tripping jinx Potter" he says smirking. But it disappears when he sees me.

"You won't catch everyone" I tell him and scrunching up the list. I toss it into the air and point my would at it. "Incendio" I say it disappears in a burst of flames as Umbridge appears. She disarms Harry and I.

"Excellent, Draco, excellent, oh, very good fifty points to Slytherin! I'll take them from here stand up, Potter!" Umbridge instructs. "You go see if you can round up any more of them, Draco. Tell the others to look in the library anybody out of breath check the bathrooms, Miss Parkinson can do the girls ones off you go" she tells him.

"Now you two" she says in a falsely sweet voice grabbing Harry's arm tightly. "Are going with me to the Headmaster's office" she states. Wewere at the stone gargoyle within minutes. While I wonder how many of the others had been caught. She practically sung "fizzing wizzbees" and the gargoyle allowed us through. We climb the staircase and enter the office.

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