The Connor Chronicles I: Meeting the Champagne Princess (2016)

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This story is a little harder to write. These wounds haven't fully healed, and I haven't gotten to a point where I'm laughing at the whole situation. I can laugh at certain bits and pieces of the story, but the endgame isn't as funny yet.

This story is one of the "I still don't know why she did that to me" kind of stories. To be totally honest, there are actually a lot of my stories like that. This story is also the aftermath of Audrey's story, so I advise reading that one before this one, if you're trying to read chronologically.


I was taking my last-minute date, Madyson, out to my junior year prom. We had a small group of friends eating dinner beforehand. It was Annabeth, with Isabelle (see Verbally Abusive) as her date; Maia, with someone I can't remember; Caleb with Christen (from the Sexy Six); Sarah (not my Sarah) From Midway with Dylan; and Kathryn with Connor. I know all these names are foreign, but basically I hung out at school (and some outside of school) with these guys. All except one: Connor.

Sarah From Midway has a big barn or little building by a lake(?). I don't know what the technical term is, but basically that's where we ate. We took artsy pictures in front of the lake, and then proceeded inside to eat.

Madyson didn't go to my school, nor knew anybody from there, so she stuck to my face all night. Granted, I was a stranger to her before that day, so the only person she talked to was a stranger as well, but in fact, it was actually quite convenient. I was able to get to know her while dancing with her and any other thing throughout the night. There was always something to talk about. Luckily, it wasn't Audrey, so I didn't mind her only talking to me at all. Let me know if this wild story inspires you to ask strangers out to prom!

I remember Mom spilled gas in the car a couple days before prom, and Madyson was able to get to know me while simultaneously losing brain cells, and not just from my shoddy personality!

I remember taking a beautiful breath of fresh air when exiting the car, and the first thing I saw was a Champagne-colored dress in the distance. Kathryn was talking to her. Her hair was curled to the side. She had red lips. I was straight-up hit out of nowhere. I couldn't tell if my brain was fried from the gas or what, but I knew that I had to talk to her. She was too attractive to let slip by. I knew that as much fun as I would have with Madyson, I knew from the start that I wouldn't see her anytime soon after that night. I wanted to see this girl again. I was right about both. Madyson went on back to her school, and though we had conversations here and there, we never saw each other. That was fine. Madyson was a great date, but we came from separate worlds. I'll let her live her life.

I felt uncomfortable in my own skin during dinner. I was naturally confident and funny, but something about juggling introducing this stranger to my friends and trying not to scare away a potential future girlfriend was tough. Luckily, not many people talked to Madyson. They greeted her and left her to me. I sat with Madyson at our own table, and while she was getting her plate, I decided to make rounds around the room and talk to my friends. I hadn't had much time to be myself, since my date was with me every step of the way until that moment. I stopped by and said hello to everyone, and made sure that I appeared as attractive as possible to that mysterious girl. I made Kathryn's table (which is where the Champagne Princess was seated, too) last. Eventually, when I got there, Kathryn introduced me to Connor. The cutie has a name, I thought.

Like many of the girls in my stories, when I meet someone and instantly want to get to know them and possibly date them, I always have the fear of being "too much," so when I first meet them, someone totally new emerges and takes over my body. I'm suddenly tame, macho, and my voice drops seven octaves. It's quite embarrassing, but it's better than being myself.

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