Magic, Evolution and Coffins

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I don't bother calling for Alice, as she is far off, and I worry her passion and love for Bella may give us away. Once they're inside, I make sure they're a fair distance away before I follow them. "I don't see them," The man's voice reaches my ears. I catch up with them in no time, creeping down rickety stairs that threaten to give me away. Once I get there I see the man and the woman in a room with five coffins. 

"Look again, Damon," The woman implores. "They're here. The spirits are hiding them." 

Spirits? What are they hiding? 

Damon's eyes widen suddenly, and he runs a hand over the coffin closest to him. He looks over each one as if he's counting them before looking over at one that is seperate from the rest. "What's in that one?" 

"I don't know," The woman says, frowning to herself. She walks over to Damon's side. "It's locked. I've tried everything to get it open." 

"Well, maybe," Damon hisses, turning towards the girl. "You should try harder." 

He takes a step towards her, as if he's about to attack. But suddenly he's on the ground, crying out in agony as he clutches his head. "Damn it Bonnie!" He shouts, trying to look up at the girl but is in too much pain to do so. Suddenly the pain stops - it's clear on Damon's face - and I take a small step forward in anticipation of taking Bonnie down if I have to, or maybe even Damon. Is this girl another Jane?! 

Aro would be pleased to know about her. I shudder at the thought. 

Damon slowly gets to his feet and looks around. "Oh look, they've hidden the coffins," He says, and I furrow my brow. The coffins are still there. Then looks up at the ceiling. "Thank you so much!" He shouts. To who? I don't know. But I'm determined to find out. 

"They protect their own," Bonnie says coldly, staring up at the man with an unfeeling expression in her brown eyes. "And they won't hesitate to kill you if you attempt to kill me." 

I shift my weight, as I am conditioned to do thanks to Carlisle and his human rules, and the floorboards under me creak. Both the girl and the man turn in my direction, and suddenly I'm flying from the doorway, Damon hissing at me and Bonnie glaring at me. I flinch, not wanting to experience the pain Damon went through. They are both wary, and Damon is murderous. As I am suddenly moved again - without my control - I manage to curl myself up so I slide under one of the coffins instead of crashing into it. When I look back up, Damon narrows his eyes. "He can see the coffins?" He asks, and Bonnie rolls her eyes and nods. 

"Of course he can," She says, as if she's speaking to a small child. "He's an animal. Magic doesn't work on animals the same way it works on humans and the supernatural." 

"I'm a vampire," I growl, offended by the thought I'm an animal. I hunt animals. I am not a cannibal. Damon smirks down at me. 

Bonnie rolls her eyes again, raising a hand which forcefully lifts me to my feet. "No you're not," She tells me. "He's a vampire. You're an animal - a Cold One." 

"Can I demonstrate, Bon-Bon?" Damon asks coldly, and I can tell he's not really asking her permission. His eyes begin to glow red, and veins prickle across his cheeks. His smirk widens, to the point where sharp fangs are revealed from beneath his lips. Bonnie doesn't answer, and doesn't even have time to attempt to stop him as he grabs her head and cracks it hard against the wall, and then he lunges for my throat and tears into it. I grit my teeth as pain flares through my spine and brain. I cringe as I feel the venom being pulled from my body. Thank God I gave up hunting humans. I could feel their emotions before, but now I know exactly what it's like to be on the receiveing end. I owe both Alice and Carlisle and hug and a 'thank you' next time I see them. 

Suddenly Damon stands up, his fangs going back into his gums and his eyes going back to their normal colour; the veins disappearing. He wipes his mouth in the sleave of his leather jacket. "Venom tastes disgusting," He comments, as the pain of his bite continues to rip through me. For a moment I wonder if I'm turning into one of them, but somehow I don't think they're changed the same way we are. He leaves after that, but not before dragging me outside the old mansion, and then disappearing back inside and reappearing with the girl - completely out cold - in his arms. Then he's gone, running at a speed I'm not even sure Edward can reach. 

I'm not sure how long I lie there, long enough for the sun to completely disappear over the horizon, long enough for the pain to get worse as dirt and leaves are blown into the open wound by the wind. All I know is, that after a while, I am finally found, and by my wife, no less. 

"Jasper!" She shrieks, rushing over to me. 

"Al," I reply weakly, reaching out to her. "Help." 

She only nods, frowning, while picking me up as if I weigh nothing at all, running with abandon towards our car. Once we get there she puts me in the back of the car, immediately getting her phone out to call Carlisle. "Alice, are you okay?" He asks immediately, as soon as he picks up. Concern laces his tone. 

"Jazz is hurt," She whispers, running a hand gently through me hair. "Really bad, this time." 

He sighs, and I can't tell whar question he's going to ask first. But what he does say shocks us both. "That's it," Authority rings in every syllable. "You're both coming home. Now."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2014 ⏰

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