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"Alice what is it?" Jasper asks as everyone begins to crowd around me. Well, everyone except Edward who is just sitting staring at the wall with his eyebrows furrowed. He's been like that since we left Bella, just bland and as if he's been thinking hard about something all this time. 

 "Bella, Bella got stabbed," I sob into my hands. When I pull my hands away Edward is still staring at the wall, except he looks on the verge of our equivalent to tears. "This man came up to her, but she seemed to accept it. And- and her skin went grey and veins went up it and I don't know!" 

Carlisle gasps, and we all look at him. With vampire speed he runs up the stairs and comes back down with a book. He opens it at a page and puts it on the table. "Alice, is this what Bella's skin was like?" 

I look down at the page where there is a picture of a man with the same skin as Bella, except there is a wooden stake through his heart. "Yes, I murmur, and Carlisle's eyes widen. "But she had a dagger through her stoumach." 

His eyes widen even more and his jaw drops. "I think we made a big mistake by leaving," He finally murmurs. 

"Of course we did!" Emmett rolls his eyes. "Look at Edward!" 

"No," Carlisle whispers, running a hand through his hair. "Bella was an Original." 

"A what?" Jasper asks, pulling me closer. 

"An Original Vampire." Carlisle closes his eyes in exasperation. "I should have known. Her injuries always healed way too quickly. At her birthday her skin started healing over the glass." 

"An Original, as in..?" Rosalie begins, afraid to phrase her question in case she's right. Which she is. 

"A Mikaelson? yes," Carlisle concludes. 

"So her brother is..." Jasper begins, knowing he is right but afraid to say. 

"Niklaus Mikaelson the hybrid? yes," Carlisle concludes again. 

Well this complicates things a bit...

Original Sister (Vampire Diaries x Twilight)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon