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Alice's POV

Its been a month since we left Bella, and we're not the same. Emmett doesn't joke, Jasper's always sad, much like Esme and Carlisle, Rosalie isn't as sarcastic and Edward... Edward isn't even here.

Suddenly a vision clouds my sight, and I feel everyone shift closer to me as everything goes out of focus.


"I don't care about that Niklaus!" Bella screams, "I don't care about that anymore!"

Her accent is British, and it suits her more than her American accent.

A man with light facial hair and a British accent raises his eyebrows at her from across the room, swirling a glass of whisky in his right hand. "Why?" His smirk falls as he walks closer. Everything about him screams dangerous, but Bella doesn't even flinch as he gets closer. "Is it because of that Edward boy?"

Bella begins trembling with rage, the whites of her eyes become red and veins grow up her face. She stiffens her jaw as if she has something in her mouth. Then her face goes back to normal, and her jaw relaxes yet she still looks very very angry.

"Don't say his name," Bella spits. "And its not him. I never really loved him anyway. I only even spoke to them because Kol wanted to know about the cold ones and he was too much of a coward to find out himself! Then I finally come home and I find out you killed him!"

She steps forward and throws open the lid to a coffin I never noticed before to reveal a man with old fashioned clothes on and a dagger through his heart. But the strangest thing is his skin, its grey with almost black veins running down it.

"And Rebekah!" Bella continues, throwing open a coffin revealing a blond girl, "And Finn!" Another coffin opens, revealing a man with slightly longer black hair, "Even Elijah!" She opens yet another coffin, revealing a man in a burnt suit. "You even have our mother in a box Klaus!" She yells, nodding towards the last closed coffin.

"Look," The man says. "Michael is here, and he wants all of us dead. Do you honestly think he will spare you because you've changed your diet?"

"No," Bella seethes. "I think he'll spare me because I'm not you."

The man's jaw sets. "Have you forgotten the promise we made to each other when our mother died? Always and forever, Bella! Always and forever!"

The veins appear on her cheeks again as she shakes in anger. "The problem is, Niklaus, that promise doesn't seem to apply to you, so why does it apply to us?" The veins disappear as she glares at him.

"Fine," The sandy haired man snaps. "So be it."

Suddenly he's right in front of Bella, sliding a dagger into her stomach. "No," Bella whispers as black veins appear from under her shirt and her skin goes darker and darker as she stops breathing...

***Vision Ends***

"NO!" I scream.

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