The Calendar

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Elise POV:

"No you're doing it wrong, Clair its two beats per note, not three," Nate said.

"Are you sure about that? 'cause it sounds wrong." She responds.

"Why did you put me on drums." She sighed.

"Because you're the only one who knows how to play the drums, and Nate whose idea now was it to wake up five in the morning to practice?" I sounded annoyed and tired.

"C'mon we have three weeks to practice and we haven't told our parents yet." He said.

"Hey, I told mine! it's you guys that didn't say anything." Clair added.

"Okay from the top, one... two... three..."

We are practicing for the performance. Unfortunately last night Nate kept on spamming us to be on a call by five in the fucking morning. We all put on headphones so that our parents wouldn't hear who we were talking too. Luckily for Clair, her parents left early for work so she had no problem playing drums in her house. I ended up closing my door and going inside my closet so that no one could hear me. Nate ended up locking himself in his bathroom so that his guitar won't wake up his dad.

We practiced SING by My Chemical Romance. Aside from slightly off chords and beats and my sometimes shaky voice it went well. I guess we gotta work on that song. We haven't even practiced Nearly Witches yet. Our only problem now is how are we gonna drop the bomb when it comes to telling our parents? Good thing its Sunday no school.

We practice for at least an hour and a half, I hear knocks on my door I quickly closed Skype and ran to my bed. The door slowly opened, it was good 'ol daddy Brendon. He went ahead and kissed my forehead.

"Morning sweetheart."

"Good morning dad."

My dad escorted me downstairs like I was some kind of princess. Today is the last day Dallon and Spencer would be staying with us, I gonna miss those two. Sarah baked cinnamon bites yesterday, we were eating it for breakfast. The rest had coffee while I had hot chocolate.

"So... do you wanna go out kid?" Sarah asks.

"Do we have to?" I answer.

"Up to you." Brendon chimed in.

"How 'bout you help me bake stuff how's that?" Sarah proposed.

"OOH, we want to help!" The three guys say in unison.

"Alright then." Sarah chuckles.

We finished up breakfast. I helped Sarah with the dishes while Dallon and Spencer were packing and Brendon was in the Urielectic. Spencer and Dallon's flight was still at 7 pm so there's still lots of time.

After I'd help Sarah with the dishes I went to the Urielectric. Brendon was talking at his phone, he was at Periscope doing his 'Thing' Dad invited me to join him. I waved at the camera and gave a toothy grin. Dad put his arm around my shoulder as he was doing a Q&A. I gotta say his fans have the most hilarious comments to the point where he couldn't even keep up. Dad got an idea, he threw me a spare controller and we started playing Mario Kart. The fans were watching us play, I don't do good while under pressure. Suddenly someone opens the door and the two boys were cheering at us. I quickly look over at the comment and I could see them clearly freaking out Dallon and Spencer where here.

After an intense race at Rainbow Road I eventually and miraculously won.

"Aww... no fair." Dad Fake cried.

Me and Daddy Brendon did a handshake while the two guys were sarcastically celebrating my sweet victory. Sarah chimes in and asked us if we wanted to help her bake.

"Alright, that's all for now bye." Dad waves and closes the periscope.

We all ran inside the house. All the ingredients were set up on the counter. We are making cookies, our set up was basically like 'Hell's Kitchen' with Brendon imitating Gordon Ramsay along the way. We made a big mess but don't worry we cleaned up. Sarah put the cookies in the oven. She may not be as outrageous as the three but that's what makes her the best. It's good to have a soft motherly figure around this hectic household.

"Spencer, the floor is full of flour!" Dallon practically shouts.

"Hey I didn't make that mess, you did!" Spencer shoots back.

Brendon, Sarah and I giggle at the background.

The cookies are now done. She gently takes them out of the tray, I could smell the sweet aroma I bet they taste good. Our hard work did pay off they tasted amazing. So we are now on the couch eating the warm cookies While watching TV, as always we talked about anything that came into mind. What's interesting is that Brendon was actually talking about the upcoming tour.

"Ok tour starts in two months, I'd like you to come join me," Brendon tells us.

"Really?!" My face glows up.


"Wait, what about school?" I ask.

"We'll figure something out." He reassures me.

I go to my dad and give him the tightest hug I could give him. I can't believe I'm going on tour with my favorite Band this is Exciting.

"But that's not all..." Dad giggles while the rest including me were all confused.

He shows me a piece of paper.

"....With guest TWENTY ONE PILOTS!"

"WHAT?!?" I screamed.

My legs are shaking from excitement, my eyes start watering I can't believe this is happening. So my two favorite bands are coming together for a tour, I'm so excited. Sarah and Dad laughed at my reaction and both kissed me at the cheek.

*Time skip*

We all go inside the car to bring the two guys at the airport. All of us were jamming on the radio.

"Alright, up next is Panic!'s new song, High Hopes!"

"Had to have high, high hopes for a living
Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing
Didn't have a dime but I always had a vision
Always had high, high hopes..."

All of us smiled and began singing along. We did that for the whole trip. We soon arrived at LAX. We help them bring down their stuff.

"Hey, It's good meeting ya! I hope we can see each other again" Dallon hugs me.

"The next time I'll come back I'll bring my two kids with me, you guys are gonna have lots of fun I bet." He adds.

"I had fun hanging out with you, you're officially my favorite niece." He also hugs me.

"When I come back I can teach you drums if you want." He smiled.

After helping them bring down their stuff we all said our goodbyes. We smiled as we waved them goodbye. We went back to the car and we drove away. I was quite sad that they have to leave but of course, they have families ya know? Anyways I'm gonna see them again soon. I hope.

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