Your IV And Your Hospital Bed

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Elise's POV:

It's another day of school. Same routine, a day like any other. Dad drops me off to school, he said that he'll at the studio for some band practice. I walk up to the building, naturally, the two come after me.

"Hey!" They greeted me.

The three of us walk through the halls talking about life. Clair suggests that we should go out sometime. We said yes, this time we will tell our parents. As we were walking we pass by Alex, being the chill person he is, he casually walks over to us. Since I didn't formally introduce him to the guys I went ahead and did that.

"Alex, this is my best friend Clair Taylor and Nate Ross," I told Alex.

"Uhh... Hi." Both of them said.

Alex gave them a friendly wave. I guess we have a new member to our table. While walking through the halls, out of nowhere Rachel slams Clair into the locker. Out of instinct, I pushed Rachel against the floor.

"Dude, that is your problem?" My voiced raised.

"You." She snapped.

Me? Why me? I said a thousand times what the hell did I do to you? The bell rings and we are starting to cause as a scene. Rachel starts attacking me, kicking me and throwing punches. I didn't want to fight, but she wouldn't stop. I did what I had to do to defend myself, I fought back. The two guys tried to separate me from Rachel. It wasn't long before one of the teachers took notice, it was our math teacher Mr. Biersack.

"What's the meaning of this?" His voice raised.

Seeing him made relived and scared.

"She started it!" Rachel shouted.

"Don't believe her," I mumbled as tears flowed down my face.

Mr. Biersack sighed, "I'll tell the principal to go call your parents, suspension both of you."

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Rachel snapped.


We are now at the principal's office, just waiting. I stare into the floor and sighed, what did I even get myself into? I just wanted to defend my friend. I hate to say this but dad will finally know what's been going on, I don't want him to worry and get sad but I know he will. Rachel is on the other side of the room with her bag, she doesn't usually carry a bag. Before jumping to any conclusions, the principal steps in and says,

"Your parents will be arriving in shortly."

He then leaves the room, Rachel gets up and locks the door. She hasn't spoken a word to me ever since we got here.

"You know... I was waiting for this moment to happen." She spoke with her sickening grin.

She walks to the other side of the room, reaching for her bag. She takes out what appears to be a gun, wait a GUN?! I immediately jump out of my chair and said,

"Wait, let's think this through." My voice getting shaky as I start to panic.

I quickly walk backward, I figured if I turn back she might shoot. I hear knocking from the door, I think it's the principal.

"You don't have to do this..." I tried to reason with her.

Tears were flowing down her face. I'd never thought she would cry, she slowly pointed the gun at her head.

"Stop, don't do it." I plead.

I can't really describe what was happening, but I knew I had to stop it. I walk backward trying to reach the door.

"What going on here?!" The principal's voice grows louder.

I finally reach the door and quickly opened it. I quickly turn around and hear a loud bang. My face turned white, I look at her with eyes full of tears. My body starts shaking as my shirt fills with blood. With my body getting heavier, I drop to the floor. I never thought of the pain, I just thought why.

The principal rushes inside the room, the last thing I see is Rachel with a gun to her head then BANG!

Brendon's POV:

I drive to the school with an uneasy feeling on my chest. I didn't know people were hurting her and why didn't she tell me?

I reach the school and I saw this sight you wouldn't see every day. There was an ambulance right at the door. I park the car and quickly got down. The halls where crowded full of staff and I'm assuming the medic team. The people where surrounding the principal's office which got me nervous.

I quickly open the door only to find this horrifying sight. My heart stopped and my eyes started to tear up. It felt like I couldn't breathe, I didn't move it felt I was frozen in place.

Elise was in a stretcher... she was full of blood. There was also another girl, but that didn't really matter to me right now. Shock turned into sadness, then rage.

"What happened..." My voice was shaky and weak.

"Sir, your daughter... and the girl Rachel Scott. Miss Scott we presumed had a mental breakdown and shoot your daughter in the abdomen and proceeded to shoot herself on the head." The principal spoke.

"Why didn't you stop them," I said firmly my face full of tears.

"I tried bu-"

"Tried?! But weren't you supposed to to to be there?!" I snapped.

"Sir, calm down..." One of the medics said.

*time skip*

I wait by the emergency room with my face on my hands. How did this even happen, why did they do this to her? I stare into the empty white walls with a million thoughts running through my head. Waiting in that hall felt like forever.

"Mr. Urie?" One of the said holding a clipboard.

"You're lucky that her organs weren't hit, she'll okay." Said the nurse.

They transferred me to a new room, Elise was still unconscious. My phone buzzed, it was Ryan.

"Hey! Um... I don't know if I got the memo but there was a shooting... I just wanted to let you know it's a half-day and school's out for a couple of days." Ryan said.

I tried to bring my composure back and said, "Can you pick up Sarah, she's at the house. I-I'm at the hospital right now can go h-here, I-it's Important." I stumbled on my words.

I hung up the phone, I looked over to Elise. They said she'll be okay, I just hope they are right.


The IV... and her hospital bed... this was no accident...


Oh... boy oh boy do I feel like such a dick when writing this chapter. Its finally 2019... year of the Killjoys am I, right? To start off 2019 I'd like to start off with a bang... literally.

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