Coming back

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"Bye!" My parents wave me off, as I start to drive to Oregan. Ava moved over there last week.

I can't wait until I get there! This car ride is going to be so boring though! I have a radio!!!

"Oh well imagine, as I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor. And I can't help but to hear. No I can't help but head and exchanging of words. 'What a beautiful wedding! What a beautiful wedding!' Says a bridesmaid to a waiter." I sing along. "And 'Yes but what shame. What a shame the poor grooms bride is a whore'! I chime in 'haven't you people ever heard of closing a god damn door'!" I laugh.

Reaching Oregon, I sigh. I am happy to be back. I park and get my bags, I run into the Pink Palace.

"Caroline!" I hear Mr. B call. I move to the side and let him land. "How are you?" He asks.

"I am fine, Mr. B." I smile.

"Let me help you put your things away."

"No, thanks. I can handle it." He nods and goes back.

I sigh and open the door. I grab the rest of my things and put them in their respected rooms. Mom got me some snow globes to put in the living room!!!

I unpack my room, which is the one I had before. The other is for my parents when they will visit. I unpack my office things and smile. The new laptop sitting in the desk, a picture of my family, a picture of Wybie with a banana slug, and a picture of Whybie and I.

I take my hair out from the bun I put it in before unpacking, as that was the last room. My hair, blue from dying it again, in tight curls throughout my hair, my bangs curly and a bit shorter frame my face.

My outfit is a-whole-nother story. I am wearing a kind of school girl outfit, my purple long sleeved short is tucked into my skirt, my skirt almost black, and a little tie under my shirt collar. I am wearing knee high black socks, and black high tops. Two necklaces around my neck, one that is small that has a star, the other has a crescent moon, both made of gold.

I sigh and hear a knock on the door.

"Hello, Mrs. Lovat!" I then look at her sorrowful face. "What is wrong?" I ask her.

"I thought I need to tell you this. Why-born has been missing since last year." My eyes widen and my heart drops.

Coraline 2: Finding WybieWhere stories live. Discover now