Chapter 19

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School is soon to be here. I'm going to go ahead and finish this book up. one more chapter after this. Then, it get's really interesting! I'm very proud of this part of the series since the first was laying the ground work and the second was trying to get the love between Lynn and Sirius and strengthening her relationships with her friends. This one was looping everything back to the fifth Harry Potter book so that she could start to change things. Ask me why. I'm dying to tell you! LOL

As always, vote, fan, comment!


As the holidays wore on and Christmas approached, Sirius was in the best of spirits. He wasn't alone. It was his first christmas actually being there with his children and me. I was surrounded by more people I cared about than ever, and they knew about it. The only downside was that Arthur wasn't able to be released, so our party had to be split up and the children had to visit him at the hospital. "Lupin!" I called before they left, his present from Sirius and I in my hands.

"Black!" He called back in a mocking manner, making me smile.

I caught up to him and handed the present over, but he knew I wanted to ask something so he waited while I thought of the words. "How were you... When I was gone?"

"I was fine." He assured. "You know, your promise was only that I wouldn't be alone on the full moon. It wasn't that you would be there." He reminded me. "Severus brewed the potion and took care of Faith and Sandry while I was left to my  own devices."

"He did all that?" Remus nodded, "It's a good thing I got him a present." I muttered before talking to Remus again. "Give my love to Arthur... And tell him to be more careful!"

"I shall, not to worry."

It wasn't until the day that Mr. Weasley came back from the hospital that I got to see any action. Sirius was already in a foul mood since the end of the school break was looming over his head... I can't really say anything since I wasn't much better, but the arrival of Arthur safe and sound from the hospital overshadowed that for the moment. "Arthur!" I smiled at the tired old dad as he looked up at me with an equally tired smile. "'bout time you got up! These kids o' yers-"

"Keep you in line?" He cut in laughing.

I laughed with him, scratching the back of my head, a habit I picked up from Remus and Sirius over the years. I quickly changed that subject, "Would you like a drink?" I moved behind him to push his wheel chair. "Let's move to the kitchen. Sirius will be glad to know-" I froze in the doorway with the Weasleys at the sight of the stand off between Sirius and Severus. Harry was inbetween them, catching himself from a stumble as the two men glared at eachother. "What is going on here?!" I cried, gaining their attention. I just kept my eyes on Harry, who looked rather upset. A hot feeling started crawling up my neck and I flexed my hands and took them away from the metal chair that Arthur was in.

Both Sirius and Severus lowered their wands, glaring at each other all the while, before finally stepping away. Leaving, Snape snapped something at Harry, but I was to busy moving my gaze to concentrate on Sirius to really pay attention. It had been a while since I'd seen him looking this angry. He wouldn't look at me either. What happened here?

The Weasleys, bless their souls, charged in to distract and ease the tension, overcrowding the room and allowing me to go and talk to Severus. "Severus!" I called as he stormed like a bat out of a cave in search of food. "Severus?" I stopped walking when I got close enough. He paused as well before he opened the door, his hand pausing on the doorknob. "Look, I don't know what that was back there-" He turned to face me, a reply ready on his lips, "-and I don't care. It's just that Harry looked caught in the middle of it. You are both grown men. Act like it." I held up a hand to keep the man in black silent a while longer. I wasn't quite finished yet. "I've been waiting to talk to you for some time now. No, it's not about Sirius or Harry. I wanted to thank you properly for saving my life and helping Remus and for taking care of my children when he couldn't. I don't really know everything that is going on, but I do know that Dumbledore trusts you. And everything you've done on top of that makes me trust you as well. I hope you extend me the same courtesy." I started to turn away, having said my peace, but then remembered something else to say. "By the way," I turned back around, " you mistreat my husband or my godson or my children for that matter, and I will deck you." I held up a fist that was crackling with electricity as a white fire engulfed it. "I learned a lot with the Gryffins. Unlike last time, I garantee you won't recover for a while." With that said as his pale face got even paler, I walked back to the kitchen, where a good meal was in full swing., I looked at them all gathered around the table. Harry looked miserable, seperated from Sirius by Mad-eye and a no good Mundungus Fletcher, how Sirius became friends with that rat I will never know. Sirius himself looked pretty moody and unhappy. Normally, I would think it was just because he's trapped in this house, like Azkaban all over again, but now... Anyways, the table was full. Faith and Sandry were trying their hardest to talk to Harry, drag him into whatever conversation they were also having with Ginny and whoever else would listen. However, Harry just looked around the table, looking how I felt, an outsider looking in.

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