Chapter 5

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I woke up in my chair, a bit stiff. I stretched a bit, popping noises emanating  from my body, helping release the tension. I moaned, not liking that classes are starting this morning. A nice hot bath was in order before breakfast.

I stood, hearing a crinkle at my feet. I glanced down, only to fine a letter to be the source. "Oh yes." I bent down to reread it. It was only a line, but I reread it all the same.

"I love you. I miss you." With a sigh I folded it and threw it into the embers of last night's fire, poking at it until it caught.

"You are so mean." I  muttered to no one in particular before getting ready for my bath. I'd opened the door last night only to find a letter spellotaped to my door.

The morning's breakfast had quite the same reaction I had to getting up. "Did you not sleep well?" Remus asked, yawning himself as he sat down beside me.

"Did you?" I grumbled, poking at my eggs. I looked up at Faith and Sandry as they talked animatedly to Hermione nd Ginny, who were just as eager as they to start classes. I then looked over to Severus' empty seat, a bit worried.

"Lynn?" Remus called, trying to get my attention as I watched Harry get picked on by Draco.

"He's just like his father." I muttered, going back to my eggs only to find they'd gone.  I glared at Remus.

"Lynn, I've been trying to get your attention-"

"And eating my eggs when you didn't?!"

"No, you've been shoveling air into your mouth for five minutes."

"Oh." I rubbed my eyes, "What did you need?"

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled assuredly. "I was just so tired last night I slept in a chair." I admitted.

"I don't think you were the only one." He rubbed a hand down his face.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm hanging in there I guess. And yourself?"

"Nothing to be said." He shrugged, "Come on then, don't want to be late for our own class."

"What does it matter? We're the teachers!" I couldn't  help but whine.

"Is this how you handled your old job?"

"No," I admitted, getting up from my own seat and walking after him. "Are you going to be like this all year long?"

 He sighed, giving me a tired look. "Lynn," He started, only to be inturrupted.

"Mum?" I looked at my oldest daughter curiously as she handed me a slip of paper. "You never signed it.

"Oh, uh..." I reached into my satchel for a quill and ink. I levitated them all and charmed the pen to write my name. "There you are Dear."

"Thanks Mum! Bye Uncle- Professor Lupin!"

"Bye!" He smiled.

"So, she can call you pprofessor and I can't?" He ignored me and continued walking to his class, which consisted of a bunch of sixth years, who would be learning about wraiths and their cousins the dementors.

I sank into my chair with a sigh, kicking off my shoes and resting them on the footstool, and hoped I'd make it to the bed. I would not be able to afford another stiff neck, especially with the third years being tomorrow. I was just getting relaxed when a knock descended upon my old wooden door."Unless you are here on important business go away." I whispered, hoping they would think I wasn't there.

Siriusly, Time is of the Essence IIIWhere stories live. Discover now