Chapter 17

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sorry for the delay!!! I was gone longer than I thought, so here you go! A new chapter! Also, classes will be starting soon so I hope to finish this book before, but you never know! I will update when I can! I'm a bit disappointed. No one seems to be voting or commenting. I look forward to comments, even the one word comments, if you comment or vote chances are you'll get a chapter a lot faster. Also, it helps me to know if I'm missing something or overlooking if you will. It helps me to know if you're following the story and completely understanding what was in this chapter. Ask questions, make comments, please!!! Thank you to those of you who vote and leave commetns they mean so much to me!! You have no idea how close I get to deleting this series and a few of my others. How can I fix things if no one tells me what's wrong? How do I know if my point or plot was thouroughly covered if someone doesn't ask questions or or anything? Please guys, I need more feedback!

Thanks, Dreamer

I sat up with a gasp as I clutched my rapidly beating heart. Everything hurt. It was strange as I caught sight of old walls and people that I hadn't seen in a long time. It took my mind a few minutes to catch up with my body. In those few minutes, I could only react. Despite the pain coursing through my system, my instincts screamed at me to get out of reach and find an exit out of this cage.

An eagle's cry growled out of my throat, adding a lion's roar into the mix as I fluidly moved to stand above them all from my perch on the table. I stood defensively as my orange- yellow eyes glared at the humans who stood before me.  My gaze fixed on the door behind them and before I knew it, I was twisting through the air over the three men's heads and hearing their cries. I landed on the ground in a crouch and using my spine like a spring I shot down the halls, leaving their shocked cries in the darkness.

I was moving quickly, though, where everything should have been a blur, it was all crystal clear as my Gryffin eyes kept up with my speed. It was easy as 1,2,3 to see the man who stood in the dorrway before me. However, stopping was a differnt story. I made to leap over the old man with silver hair and half-moon glasses, but suddenly found myself frozen in midair as he shut the door behind him calmly.

I heard the three from before rushing to catch up, but Albus- yes, this man was Albus Dumbledore. He was a friend. He was good. He can be trusted. Albus raised a hand to stop them. "She must reaclimate herself."

"What do you mean 'reaclimate herself'?" Sirius asked, stepping into my line of vision. Immediately my mind came up with information about him as it struggled to gain control over the instincts I'd been living with for so long. He was Sirius Black, my husband, father of my two children, my best friend, fellow inmate in this prison, and a bit childish in nature. He was loyal to a fault and godfather to Harry Potter Lily and Jame's son, who I was also godmother over.

"She was exiled to the Gryffins. She was most likely forced into her human body in the time shift. She just needs a moment. I believe she's already catching up to herself."

"Exiled?" Whispered Remus, a friend and fellow Marauder- as was Sirius- and also a person of two natures. A werewolf. He wouldn't hurt a fly- the Other would.

My features slowly lost their ferality and my fingernails (which were kind of like cat's claws now) retracted to their normal length. My teeth lost their point, and my eyes calmed. My eyes would never go back to their chocolate brown of old, but would remain in their Gryffin state. A consequence of a training session gone wrong. I felt myself lowered to the ground softly and I groaned and crawled into  a fetal position, holding my head in my hands as they were framed by my knees.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, squeezing my eyes shut so they wouldn't zoom in on the dust particles ground into the carpet.

I felt arms slowly circle my shoulders, and I couldn't help but sag into them. I was so aweful tired. I held onto them weakly and leaned my head against his shoulders, inhaling deeply his warm scent. Sirius.

"It's alright now Love. You're home now. You're safe." His fingers trailed through my hair, as he whsipered into my ear. "I've missed you."

"Where was she?" Severus asked as I calmed down.

"The Gryffins." I answered for Albus. "I was hiding. It was Albus' idea." I looked up at the old man with a weak smile. "Brilliant as usual."

"Thank you, Lynn." He smiled back at me, a twinkle in his eyes. I snuggled into Sirius' arms a bit more, after so long of no contact. I was in heaven- now that my skin didn't feel like it was on fire, melting in the heat.

"She was sent into the protection of the Gryffins. Voldemort couldn't find her."

Before Dumbledore could really go into his explaination I looked up into Sirius' eyes, only to find shock. "Your eyes!" He held onto my face and peered into my eyes further.

"They won't change back." I confirmed. "I was training," I yawned as I snuggled back into Sirius' chest. "I learned a lot while I was away." Before i could explain further, I found myself having the best night's sleep I'd had in a long time.


I snuggled into my pillow, trying to get comfortable so I could sleep for a few minutes more. "That... That tickles.... Stop it." Muttered Sirius as he put a gentle hand on my head, softly rubbing my hair.

"Where- what?!" I jerked away, opeing my eyes, only to hiss agaisnt the sunlight as it invaded my eye sockets. I flicked my wrist and the curtains shut completely. I looked at my hand- my human hand.

"You're all right Love." Sirius croned, intertwining his fingers with mine as he brushed hair away from my face. "We're in our bedroom at number 12 Grimmauld Place."

I looked at him, my Sirius. "Where are my children?"

"Safe and sound at Hogwarts." His eyes were still closed as he moved a bit into a more comfortable position.

"What month is it?"

"End of November." He grunted.

"Did you get my letters?"

"I did. Dumbledore gave them to me. We succeeded in keeping young you from finding out things unless she found them out on your own as per your orders. I gave her the letter after she hit me. He opened an accusing eye at me. "I don't remember you hitting that hard unless you were asleep." He closed his eye again and he continued. "Faith and Sandry were sent to live with Remus for the summer like you told us to- they're angry with you."

"Wait- back up." My tired mind struggled to keep up with what he was saying as he slurred tiredly himself. "Was this when I found the photo of Faith?" I poked him in  the nose to make sure he was still listening. He grunted. "We were holding her, smiling. That photo?"

"Yup." He opened an eye again and fixed it at me. "Are you not worried about your children being angry with you?" He smiled lazily.

I smiled back at him as he ran his fingers up and down my arms. "I missed you." I said, scooting up to kiss him.


I broke the kiss with a laugh upon hearing a gurgling sound overpower the moan. "I'm gonna go make some breakfast."

"Ba da da da....da...dan da da da." I muttered along with the radio as I swayed, flipping pancakes.

Arms wrapped around me and I felt him swaying with me. He started singing in my ear. "Dance with me." He whispered as our wedding song came on. He managed to remember the steps this time.

Siriusly, Time is of the Essence IIIWhere stories live. Discover now