Chapter 4

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"All right," I hugged my girls one last time before they boarded the train. "Be good. Be safe. Stay out of to much trouble. I love you both." I kissed their cheeks.

"MUM!" They hissed, looking to see if anyone of their friends saw.

"What?" All the Mums are doing it!" I looked around as well before hugging them again. "Watch out for eachother, don't attract to much attention from the dementors, and keep an eye on Harry."

"Yes Mum." They smiled at me, reminding me of me.

"I love you."

"We love you too."

"Faith!" Hermione called.

"Sandry!" Ginny shouted and suddenly both girls disappeared, having inherited my short genes it wasn't entirely difficult.

"I'll see you at school!" I sighed, waving to the Weasleys, who waved back weakly. 'I'm gonna go.' I mouthed, pointing to the exit and they nodded. I felt eyes on me, but having to go through it every year, I ignored it.

When I apparated into Hogsmead grounds I looked around, there were notices everywhere about curfews and the coldness I felt was not from the weather. I quickly walked up the trail to Hogwarts.

I met Argus Filch at the gates. "Good afternoon Argus." I smiled, handing him a thermos of hot chocolate. "I trust you're doing well?"

He scowled at me, but took the hot chococlate with vigor. "Gonna be a nasty one, I's can tell."

"At least I'm on your side." I half smiled and he snorted.

"This year." He added, "You always cleaned up your messes. That Potter boy and his gang of miscreants-"

"Now now Argus. You know they don't go looking for it." He rolled his eyes.

"Headmaster wanted to see yeh."

"Okay," I smiled, "Keep warm."

"Yeah yeah." He waved me on.

I looked up at the sky, hundreds of dementors swarmed the sky. I whimpered, cuddling into my cloack as one turned its head, almost as though it was looking at me. "No one else is expected." Filch piped up." This can stay closed." With that, he loosely locked the gate and started walking. I followed him up, knowing he was helping me out because he just had to come back down and open it again when the students arrived.

"Thank you." I whispered after the long walk to the doors. He just turned and walked to the dungeons, ignoring me. He really wasn't that bad- if you weren't a student. Then again, I'd been sweetening him up for years with christmas presents, random birthday presents, I cleaned up after most of my messes, and only occasionally I would do something to Mrs. Norris- okay, he didn't know that was me- but I haven't done anything in years!

I looked at the gargoyle infront of the stairs to Albus' chambers. It is so weird calling him Albus, even after so many years. With a deep breath I said." Uh...." I lost it. I had no idea what the password was. "Well.... Gryffins."

"Lynn?" Came a cold voice.

"Hello Severus." I sighed, "You wouldn't know the password would you?" I asked as I turned to face the man dressed in black.

"I thought yo uwould quit?" He seemed astonished.

"No, actually. I'm supposed to help Remus."

"Suspicious." His eyes grew cold once again.

"The ministry already questioned me." I snapped. "You know, I understnad yo ubeing horrible when the students are here, but right now they aren't." I was tired of his crap, knowing it was only going to get worse as the year wore on. "I know you have issues-"

"Issues? I'm not the one helping a convicted murderer-"

"Need I remind you who the real death eater is?" He flinched as I very nearly growled at him. My eyes softened, "Severus, your problem is not with me. Merlin, you gave me away at my wedding. You were theree for Sandry's birth. Your problem is with Sirius and rightly so, bt please remember it is not with me."

He blinked at me. "You think I'm right to hate your husband?"

"Uh yeah. He nearly killed you! He was an idiot. I'm just glad you were able to put your teenage problems behind you for my wedding. However, your hate for Sirius may just become a problem if one of you doesn't grow up at least a little bit and LET. THE. PAST. GO! I looked at him, staring at those shocked black eyes. "Now what is the blasted password?! Or do you want to be the one helping Remus when he goes through his monthly mental cycle?"

I looked at the many students, seeing Ginny, Sandry, Ron, Faith, and Neville all looking particularly pale. I looked over at Remus who smiled at me a little. He looked so rough. His scars stood out on his pale skin, his shabby robes had multiple patches on them, and his eyes were blood shot. I patted his hand and he gave me a strong, reassuring squeeze. I looked up and saw McGonagall hurrying up the aisle with Harry and Hermione before sitting down at our table. "Quite a different perspective isn't it?" I muttered as Albus stood up, leaving him to ponder.

Albus quickly introduced Hagrid as the new care of magical creatures teacher, to which everyone clapped, especially my children and their friends, Remus and I. Then he introduced Remus as the new D.A.D.A teacher, and I as his helper, this year.

I stood as Remus and Hagrid did, loving how my children and their friends clapped hardest. I dismissed Harry's frown and Severus' cold stare and the dying whispers from Remus' introduction before sitting down. The feast was spectacular and I enjoyed every minute of it. "So," I said as Remus drank from his goblet, "What will our first lesson be Professor?" I smiled as he almost spit out his juice.

"Are you going to do that often?"

"Of course Professor."

"Stop that."

"Stop what Professor?" I chuckled at his glare, taking a sip of my own juice.

"I was thinking along the lines of a boggart for the third years."

I thought about it, "I know where to get one."

"Yes, I thought you might." He eyed me, "I'm surprised Filch and Snape let you back in."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I looked at my plate, "They have no control over me."

"You know what I was getting at."

I turned to Albus. "Professor Dumble-"

"Lynn, you've been out of school long enough." He scolded.

"Albus," I conceded, "I'm worried about these dementors. Harry-"

"Will be well looked after.," He assured. "Between the eyes you have on the students and my own," He added, making me snort my pumpikin juice.

"Stop that." I laughed, wiping my mouth with a napkin. "Every year." I muttered.

I looked at the quarters for this year. They were a bit bigger, but not entirely so. It was nice, but I missed Sirius. I didn't think it was possible to miss him more than when he was in Azkaban, but I felt like my heart was breaking all over again. He was so close and yet so far from me.

A knock on the door wipe at unshed tears, hoping it didn't look like I was about to cry again. "Yes?" I asked as I opened the heavy wooden door with a loud creak.

Siriusly, Time is of the Essence IIIWhere stories live. Discover now