chapter 7

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Hey, Dreamer here!

I just wanted you all to know I've written this whole book out, so I'll try to update every few days. However, I would appreciate it if I could get at least five votes per chapter. I know plenty of people read this story so five votes should not be a problem. I do have a job now so I won't be on as often and it gives me a reason not to upload as well so you guys better get on the ball. ok? I love updating this story, but if I don't feel like it's being read then I'm not going to upload new chapters. so VOTE VOTE VOTE! Ok? Anyways, I hope you enjoy! A few comments would be nice too, so vote and comment! And if you really like this story I hope you'll go check out a few of my original works or my other fanfiction The Bend to Rue. It's a jack Sparrow fanfic that's actually finished. So enjoy and thanks for reading!


The Black Lake was beautiful, it was calm and reflected the cloudy skies and the dark trees. I heard Remus and Harry talking as I watched the clouds pass by. "You've gone through true horrors in your life," Remus was saying to Harry's embarrassment towards his reaction to dementors. "Much like Mrs. Pennington.

"Mrs. Pennington?" Harry's own Hedwig flew by me gracefully, making me long to stretch my own wings.I was happy they were behind me so they couldn't see my tears as I remembered all the lost.

Christmas time came and went. Faith and Sandry both got chocolates and new books sets along with their own never ending satchel from me. Faith got a miniture eagle from her father that would sense danger. Sandry got a new set of earrings that sensed danger as well, but one would stay and defend her while the other would get me. Sirius didn't sign them, but the girls knew who their presents were from.

I wanted to get away from the castle so badly, but knew it would draw attention. I couldn't do that to my children. I could just hear the people talk as I walked by, tried to go into madam Rosemerta's pub, The Three Broomsticks. I might was well go into the Hog's Head. I'd be just as talked about. After so long I should be used to the hatred. I mean, how dare I try to save my husband? My family? However, the weight of it all just kept bearing down on me, and it was getting noticable. I couldn't put up with Severus or Malfoy, if I saw them anywhere near Harry or my children other than class, I'd snap at them. When Remus argued about Sirius I would just go to my room. They would all learn the hard way, but they would learn.

"Are you teaching Harry the Patronus Charm?" I asked Remus.

"I am. Do you have the boggart?" 

"Could you ever doubt me?" I smirked, waving my hand at an old grey trunk behind me.


"Argus found one in the back of the library scaring a bunch of second years. I got rid of it just yesterday." I thought for a second. "Have you ever wondered what would happen if someone were afraid of just a boggart?"

"Hm, I assume you've found out?"

"Nope, I'm not afraid of boggarts."

Remus looked at me carefully, "What are you afraid of?"

I looked at him as sereously as I could, "You'll never know."

I unlocked the trunk, allowing Harry to face his demon. He tried the charm a few times, no results. Not even a whisper of a patronus. "Expecto Patronum!" He cried a few times before passing out.

"Redikulus!" I shouted, pushing it back into its resting place as Remus rushed to help Harry.

"Lynn, do you have any chocolate on you?" I just looked at him. What a stupid question. "May I have some?" I blinked at him. "It's for Harry!:

"And where's YOUR stash Mr. Chocolate-helps-you-feel-better?" He looked at me. "What- did you eat it all?" He blinked at me accusingly. "Oh yeah, I did." I tossed him a bar as he roused Harry.

I relit the candles as they talked, loving the warmth that blossomed between my fingers as the wick lit with the dark yellow flames. Harry had the same results several times, having trouble finding a strong memory. "You know, it doesn't have to be a recent memory." I saw him jump. He'd forgotten I was even there.


"It doesn't have to be recent. The memory I use in my Patronus charm is of my family."

"Faith and Sandry?" I shook my head no as I leaned against the trunk.

"As happy as they make me, I have always used my memory of one of the last days I spent with my Mother, Father, and brother." I could tell Remus was just as curious as Harry. "It was one that I found and have kept with me all these years." I fingered the vial hidden deep within my pocket. "Part of it was gained just before my wedding." I looked down as I remembered their smiling faces, forever frozen in time. "Jacoby was bugging me, I'd just gotten home a few days ago from Hogwarts, so I got him into a tickle fight. He got loose and ran to my mother. Dad joined us and everyone was smiling, happy, a family. A few days later they were killed by Voldemort himself. My mother knew we were going to be targeted and recorded a message." I gripped the silvery vial in my fist as I remembered that evil snake. "She gave it to Dumbledore, who gave it to me just before I was married. I've always been able to remember those smiling faces. Forever frozen. Forever happy." I snapped out of my memories with a shake of my head and smiled at Harry kindly, "So you see, it doesn't have to be recent, so long as it's strong."

"Once more?" Remus asked after a mooment of silence as Harry thought of a memory.

"Once more." The determination shone so brightly in his eyes. I think he had it.

"Ready?" He nodded and I unlocked the trunk once more. I t wasn't much more than a sheild, but it got the "dementor" back in the box. "That's more like it!" I smiled as Harry sagged against the table.

I looked at Remus, he was looking at Harry with pride , but his own boddy looked exhausted. He was sagging against one of the many tables tat dotted his room and the smile he held was fighting against a yawn. Harry was to excited to notice as I locked the lid down. "How about a celebratory butterbeer?" I offered.

"Yes, that sounds lovely. What do you say Harry?"

"Please." I reached into my satchel and pulled them out, putting a chilling charm on them.

"There you are. And you Remus." He nodded his thanks, happy to be able to relax. "Snag a chair Harry." He took a sip and relished the smoothe taste as it slid down.

We were all in our own thoughts until Harry hesitantly said, "Did you know my parent's? Professor Lupin did,  and  you both seem close-"

"Aye, I did." I said, crossing my arms as I waited for his questions.

"Why didn't you tell me?'

"Because- Harry," I sighed, for once not knowing what to say. "Harry, your mother was one of my best friends. Your father was- well, he was very close to me." Stopped me from doing some mighty stupid stuff, I thought. I sighed again as I thought of a way to tell him that it was my fault I couldn't stop Peter without really telling him that (Per Dumbledore's orders and the Gryffins). There were times I accepted that I couldn't change what happened, but they were still my friends and I failed them. I glared at Remus, who avoided my eyes a bit before he managed to look at me. "I tried very hard to save them from their fate, but in the end.... None of it mattered. I didn't want you to hate me because of it."

"You blame yourself?" I nodded sadly, unable to look the thirteen year old in the eye.

"When my family died, they were all I had. Remus, Sirius, James, Lily, Peter." I blinked back tears. "I'm sorry I couldn't-"

"It's not your fault." Harry said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "I don't blame you." The venom I saw in his eyes told me he did blame someone though.

Siriusly, Time is of the Essence IIIWhere stories live. Discover now