Moving On

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It has been years and we have not heard anything from the odd girl. To begin with, we simply really knew nothing about her then that she is a little girl.

Everyone in the Slendermansion has forgotten about her like she was never there. They didn't care anymore and neither did Sally who had spent most time with the little girl. Yes, to everyone the little girl was odd but maybe for a purpose. Then again what if we were the ones who were odd? What if to everyone in the whole universe who we call supernatural or alien think of us as the odd ones.

We depicted aliens as more advanced creatures than us and so if the aliens visit us they'll surely think," Hmm these aliens sure are odd, their civilization has not even progress at all since 1000 trillion years ago." Of course I'm exaggerating but think about it. If we question ourselves and the actions we do maybe we will be able to deepen our understandings more. So ask yourself, who is this odd girl? What was or is her purpose? Where is she now? How was she able to not leave a big impact on the slender-mansion's occupants?

Who is she really?

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