Justifying Emotions - Part 10

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(Not proof-read)

Mahir was seated on the couch with his eyes closed, while waiting for her to come out of the bathroom.
He knew Bela had already told him about her relation with Rehaan but he decided they had to talk about their couple, more seriously. He wanted to believe her . From the bottom of his heart, he knew she wouldn't lie to him, but all the facts were somehow against her. Why would her reports say she's pregnant when she was saying she wasn't?

Mahir sat straight as this information trotted in his mind. They didn't have any reports yet, so how could he be sure Anu was saying the truth? He knew Bela was right on this point. If he could doubt her, his wife, then why not Anu? Wasn't this why she was miffed with him? An amused smile was on his lips at this thought. Bela was jealous of Anu, just like he was of Rehaan. Earlier, she hadn't denied it when he pointed out her jealousy and in a way, it pleased him.  
He let himself fall on the couch, while rethinking about their previous conversations, only to sit upright yet again. All the signs in his head blinked in red, giving him a warning. Bela had referred Anu as his, and he hadn't even corrected her, as she did.

“Damn it! This so sucks.” he mumbled.

‘‘Tell me about it! Do you know how uncomfortable it is to pee on a stick? There is no comfortable position to do it. Plus, only when needed to, it is like we don't want to pee anymore.’’

Bela, who had finished doing the pregnancy test, came out of the bathroom to find Mahir in a reflective mode. She had heard him mumble and like always, she decided to do as if she didn't hear him.
Mahir on the other hand, looked at her with wide eyes, wondering why she was actually telling him about all this. He decided to let it go and to clear out the one point he absolutely needed to.

‘‘Anu is not mine.’’ he blurted out as Bela was striding  in his direction. She halted in her tracks and stared at him. “A while back, you said "your Anu" and she is not mine Bela.” Mahir clarified.

Bela was satisfied he did, even though he did not do it immediately, but decided not to let it show.

“Whatever Mahirji. Here take it.” She took a seat next to him, shoving the test in his hand.

“God Bela! Careful! You peed on this! ”

“Oh hello, I am the one who has OCD here. Plus you're the one who needed the proof so that's why I am giving to you. ” Bela said shrugging, with a smirk and she put the test on the table. Mahir knew she was making fun of him.

“I am sorry.” Mahir said softly, making Bela face him with confusion on her face.

Bela knew they both had a lot to apologize for but she didn't know with what he was starting. As if reading her mind, he got closer to her and continued.

‘‘Sorry for everything. About my behavior of the few last days and my words. I never lose my temper normally, but like I was saying, I was jealous. ’’

Bela realized he wanted to continue their conversation and decided she'd hear him out.

“I never knew I could be, but seeing Rehaan and you always stuck together, makes my blood and I can't bear it.” he said, looking at her straight in the eyes.

‘‘I am not pregnant, Mahirji.’’

Bela interrupted him and they both looked towards the table, to indeed find that the test was negative.

“Now you do believe my words right, against those of your Anu?” Bela asked him again, insisting on the “your”.

‘‘Bela,’’ Mahir said with puppy eyes, “I am trying to apologize here. Anu is not mine. And I am sorry I doubted you . It is just that I was not thinking straight, due to my jealousy.”

‘‘When do you even think straight Mahirji?’’ she muttered, earning a glare from him.

“I just do not understand why that doctor friend of hers, would lie about this. Maybe it was a mistake,” Mahir pondered, but seeing Bela looking at him with a stoic face, he voiced out her thoughts, “you think that comes from Anu? Why would she lie about this? It's barely 24 hours since she is here!”

“Everyone knows she loves you Mahirji.” Bela said quietly, getting up to throw the test in the bin. ‘‘She always thought you were forced into this mariage. Maybe she thought she'd have a chance with you. And hearing you defending her here, her hopes would ascend.’’

Bela turned around to face him again but was puzzled to see him, in front of her. She automatically took a step back while he took one forward. She couldn't decipher the look on his face and kept walking backwards, till her back hit the wall.

‘‘Bela, why can't you admit too, that you are jealous of Anu?’’ he asked softly.

“What would that change? Anyway Mahirji, do you like her too?”

Bela asked, turning her face away, but Mahir softly held her by the chin to make her look at him

“Do you really think I'd be in such a state due to your closeness to Rehaan if I liked her? I wouldn't even havw married you if I did. I know you are asking because you aren't thinking straight either, Bela. I have never been that close to her, as much as I am to you.” Mahir said huskily and he could hear her breath hitched.

They stood like this for a moment, staring at each other. Then Mahir decided to be audacious. He held her in his arms, with their foreheads touching and he smiled when he realized she didn't resist him.

‘‘Bela, I think it is high time for us to have an open-heart conversion. All we've been doing these days, is stalling or being repetitive, and I can't bear this situation. Not anymore.’’

Not trusting her voice, Bela just nodded, while, enjoying being held this close to him.

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