Justifying Emotions - Part 7

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Bela and Kuhu were both pacing in the latter's room, with worry clearly shown on their faces. Bela couldn't understand how she went from making things clear with Mahir to this misunderstanding again. She didn't even have words to put on this messy situation.

When Sumitra summoned them downstairs, they had expected the "good news" to be related to work as Andy was always hunting around, for investors.  Neither Mahir nor her, ever expected what was awaiting them. When they'd reached the living room, Bela had noticed, almost everyone was beaming. Almost. Sumitra couldn't stay in place and a urge from Andy made her spill the beans.

‘‘Congratulations Mahir and Bela! You are going to be parents. ’’

This declaration came as a bomb to both of them and they stared at each other, one with incomprehension and the other with hurt and confusion.
Bela had tried to clear the misunderstanding. She wasn't pregnant. She couldn't be. She mostly wanted Mahir to believe and he should believe her, but his eyes clearly showed otherwise.
Mahir had asked Sumitra how she could know that and she interrupted his question, to give them all an explanation.

Earlier in the day, Bela was feeling sick but had refused to go to the hospital. She said she was being sick because she hadn't eaten at the right time on the eve. Sumitra had reprimanded her for that, but Anu had expressed her worry and suggested her to see a doctor. As their family doctor was on holidays, Anu, as kind as she was, had contacted her friend, a doctor and she had come purposely to attend Bela. After talking a blood sample,because she feared a food poisoning, she had promised Anu to get it tested as fast as she could. And she had kept her word! During their dinner, Anu had received her phone call and then shared the good news with her . Mahir was overwhelmed, while Bela was furious! She glared at Anu who was smirking at her, and she knew she had done all time on purpose! Bela hadn't gotten any time amidst the congratulations to  speak to Mahir because Kuhu had dragged her to her room.

‘‘Bela. What the hell was that downstairs? ’’

Bela looked at her incredulously.

“Look. I know everything isn't smooth between you and Mahir. He didn't tell me anything but I know my brother. He has been moody these last days, and both you and I know the reason. And now this. Hell I wonder what must be going on his mind right now. So please. Just tell me the truth okay? ” Kuhu blew out frustratingly.

Bela absorbed everything and already her mind was working at one hundred per hour.

‘‘Have you talk about my relationship to Anu? ’’ she asked, skipped Kuhu's question.

‘‘What?’’ Kuhu asked confused. But when she understood where Bela's mind were going, she looked at her with wide eyes. ‘‘No way! That bitch didn't dare! ’’

“Well! Look like she did. ” Bela said annoyingly.

“I am so sorry Bela! I should never have talked to Anu about this! But I was worried about Mahir, and Rehaan is her brother. So I thought maybe she knows everything about him. ”

Now Bela could feel her anger rising.

“Kuhu. Anu doesn't know Rehaan. And no. You didn't have any right to discuss about my relationship to anyone. ”

“See! That's why I had to ask her. When it comes to Rehaan, you are always on the defensive! You both are always glued together!”

‘‘So, are you jealous?’’ Bela asked her, almost amused now. She could see her question had destabilized Kuhu. 

“Wha…What? No... No way. Wha… what I meant is that I am worried about my brother. He doesn't need this right now.”

‘‘Well yeah. See in which mess your "worry" got me. Next time maybe, ask either Mahir or I about it directly, for we are the ones concerned. I get you are concerned about him Kuhu, but you are the one who told me to be careful of Anu, for she has feelings for him. And then, you go around, and just give her a weapon to use against me in the eyes of Mahir. I know I am to blame too, concerning my closeness with Rehaan. Oh god I had such a hard time making him understand, these two days! I wonder how I will do it again’.’

‘‘I'm really sorry. I didn't know she could go this far. ’’

“She's obsessed with Mahir, Kuhu. She will go to any extend as she thinks I've robbed her of her love. Anyway I should go see your brother, for I know he's miserable right now and already planning some selfless move.”

Bela made her way toward the door but before going, she turned towards her sister in law.

‘‘Kuhu. I know I am wrong too here and I accept it. And even if it irks me to admit it, I am also jealous of Anu as much as Mahir is of Rehaan. I don't know how yet, but I'll make amends to your brother and explain the whys, as much as I could.’’

Kuhu looked at her confused, not knowing where this was going.

‘‘But what about you Kuhu? I've been watching you, ever since Rehaan arrived and you don't like it either when he spends time with me. So stop worrying about us and start worrying about your own feelings first, for clearly your best friend will not help you sort them.’’

Before Kuhu had time to give her any reply, Bela smiled at her and got out of her room, gently closed the door, leaving her to her thoughts.

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