Justifying Emotions - Part 9

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(Not proof read)

Mahir eventually snapped put of his hebetude and took a step towards her, but before he got time to utter a word, Bela silenced him with a wave of her hand.

“Mahirji, I am not pregnant.” she said annoyingly.

They both stared at each other and Bela could see the hope again in his eyes, but she also knew the man was as stubborn as a mule.

‘‘Bela, look I know how you must be feeling. It's okay. I am not judging you here. If you are worried about the society, we will think or something. As for the family members, I will talk to them about Yuvi when he comes back. Ma is very understanding and she will end up by comimg around. Forget all about this and don't stress yourself.’’

‘‘Oh god this man! Are you deaf Mahirji? You are beimg so repetitive and you are not at all payomg attention to my words! I just told you I am not pregnant.’’ Bela breathed deeply. She wanted to take him by the arms and shake him violently, so he could think straight. “Acha. Let's assume here , I am indeed pregnant. What do you think uhh? Is this baby an alien or something? ”

‘“What? ”’ Mahir looked at her, flabbergasted. “Bela, what's wrong with you? What are you taking about?”

“About my supposedly extra-terrestrial baby,” she repeated, rolling her eyes while Mahir looked at her fixedly. ‘‘Mahirji, it's been six months already,  since we are married. So come on, tell me. How can I be pregnant with Yuvi's child? He's been missing since the wedding day. You would have noticed my bump or something amiss, since we both share the same room.” she finished, irked.

She could literally hear the wheels turning in his mind, as he stood motionless in front of her and let all her words in.

“Are you sure though Bela? That you are not pregnant?”

“Mahirji, despite you are again doubting my character and implying I've been with another man, yes i am sure I am not pregnant.”

“But Anu said…”

That was the last thing she needed to hear and it made her explose.

‘‘Oh great. So your Anu comes around, from no matter where, tell everyone I am expecting, and just like that you are going to believe her bullshit and start doubting me very now and then. ’’

‘‘Bela. I am not denigrating you as a woman. What I am tryinf to say is, you dont need to feel ashamed if you are. We both know how we got married in the first place.  ’’

Bela was enraged he didn't even correct her when she mentioned ‘his Anu’, but she was also overwhelmed he pointed out how they got married again.

‘‘For God's sake Mahirji! I am your wife and you are my husband, no matter how it came to be like that. I atleast deserve a benefit of the doubt. Well forget it. You know what? You are not going to believe my words against Anu's words. So I am going to show you. I have pregnancy tests kits here and I am going to do one. Heck, I will do several ones if needed.”

With that, she moved towards her dressing table and picked a test from a drawer. Before she could enter the bathroom, Mahir interrupted her.

‘‘Where does this come from? Why do you even have it ?’’ he asked her suspiciously.

Bela turned around to face him, with mocking smirk.

‘‘Oh ho, Mahirji congrats haan. ’’

“Why?” he asked her casually, because he knew she was taunting him again.

‘‘Arrey your logic is back na! This is such a logical question, ”she said sarcastically. Then she replied more seriously, “Remember last time, ma implied she wanted grand children already? After that, she gave me a bunch of those kits, for when we would start trying.” She stared at him and both of them blushed and were momentarily uncomfortable.

She went towards the bathroom again but stopped in her tracks to face him, yet again.

“Let's go.”

Mahir looked at her agape and took two steps back.

“Be..Bela. Wha..What? Why would I come with you? Don't you have to pee on it or something.”

“I don't know if I should laugh at you or be worried you actually know how those tests work. Anyway, yes I have to pee on it. That's why I am saying, let's go. Who knows, maybe I will just dip it in water and then show it to you. I mean your Anu said na, I was pregnant and who knows what I may do. ” Bela said with sarcasm but Mahir now noticed, the pain and hurt in her eyes.

“Bela, you go take it. It's fine.”

‘‘Oh, so you trust me enough to know I will take the test properly but not quite, to believe me when I say I am not pregnant. ” Bela whispered with teary eyes.

Mahir looked at her dumbstruck because her words made their effectom him. Before he could say a word, Bela entered the bathroom and slammed tje door, leaving a tormented but guilty Mahir behind.

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