Chapter 7

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"We'll cross that bridge if we come to it." I reached up my hand and pulled his head down to meet mine. Our lips met and I could feel the last bit of resistance from Luke fall away. I couldn't have pulled away if I wanted to. In all my decades and the many men I had kissed, none had ever excited me the way Luke did. His kiss set my veins on fire, but it didn't make me want to run away. It felt right, like I belonged in his arms. My Mori reached out to his and I could feel the connection between them growing stronger.

Almost as if we had been sharing thoughts, Luke, and I pulled back at the same time. "I better get back. I need to sleep so I'll be up in time to get Tami ready for school."

As he pulled away, I let out the breath I had been holding. I had taken a huge risk when I had kissed Luke. One I wasn't sure had been a smart move. He wasn't as immune as I had thought. His words had told me that, but it was his reactions, his response that told me the truth of those words. The problem was, I wasn't as immune to him as I wanted to pretend, either.

Truth was, I had never been immune. My mind flashed back to Debbie's teasing when I was in Scotland. She didn't understand just how right she had been. Thoughts of Luke that had been intruding on my rare quiet moments for months were what drove me across the channel. I had gone to Debbie's hoping to have time to sort out what had been going on in my head. Life as a nomad was great, but there came a time when not having a place to call home started to wear.

"Everything sorted?" I had found the two teams and gone to find Debbie to let her know I was okay.

I nodded, then followed it up with a shrug. "For now, I think. We've agreed to a truce of sorts. How long it will last, I don't know."

"As long as it lasts until this case is over."

I smirked at her. She had no idea. "I doubt it will, I give it two days, three tops. I better rejoin my team." Debbie got a good look at my face as I moved past her, and I could feel her grinning at me behind my back.

As I reached them, Andrew smiled at me and raised his eyebrows. "I take it you two made up?"

I sighed and looked down the street, searching for a demon or something to kill. Just my luck. At that moment, they were empty. "Maybe, I'm not sure."

"You're not sure? Seems like a kiss is a definite sign of a truce."

"How did you –?"

He reached out and brushed his thumb across my lips. Strange. My Mori had never recoiled from a man's touch before. I took half a step back. Andrew just laughed. "You have swollen lips. It must have been some kiss."

"Like finding a part of myself that I never knew was missing."

Andrew's smile faded as he understood what I meant by my words. "Shit. Well, your demon has excellent taste. Luke is gorgeous."

"He is, and that kiss. Hell, I'm still turned on by it."

"Sweetie. Stop or you'll make me jealous."

I reminded my Mori that Andrew was no threat to Luke and kissed him on the cheek. "You'll find someone. Perhaps once this is all over, you should visit your brother. Who knows? Maybe you'll find someone there."

"Well it has been a while since I was last in Sydney. Perhaps I'll go to the Mardi gras."

"Promise me that if you do, you'll let me see your costume." Sydney's Mardi gras parade was something Mike had talked about while I was there. It was an event that drew not just humans to the city and it kept his warriors busy dealing with the vampires that took advantage of the surge in population.

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