Chapter 6

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Pete arrived at my apartment just after Julian had taken Tami to help with the horses. I had some time free before I met with my team and was taking the chance to have a coffee in peace and quiet. "What can I do for you Pete?"

"Andrew just called. He and Jaynah think they may have found a new kill."

My eyebrows shot up, and I gave Pete a hard stare. "What's she doing with Andrew?"

"She wanted to go out on a patrol last night to get to know the streets of Armidale so I sent her with Andrew's team. The team got back without them about half an hour ago. Jaynah wanted to talk to Andrew, so they stayed behind."

"You let her go out with Andrew and his band of reprobates?"

Pete's voice hardened, and he gave me a firm stare. I knew I was getting close to the line but I couldn't stop myself. "They were the only ones available. Besides, they're not as bad as you think. They'll look after her and few know the town as well as them."

I gave him a grudging response and waited for him to continue. "I guess you're right."

"You know I'm right. Get used to Andrew being around her. He and his team have asked to have her attached to them while she's here. I've already approved it." His eyes flicked towards my face as a muscle twitched in my cheek. "You know it makes sense to have two teams working this. We don't have proof that connects her case to Serena's death and the attack on the Amazons. This way, if the two cases are separate, she'll already have a team at her back."

I nodded as I saw the logic in what he was saying. Part of me felt relieved that she wanted her own team. I hadn't been looking forward to trying to keep her and Kelly apart. At the same time though, part of me almost felt disappointed. My temper flared as I thought of her spending time with the handsome aboriginal man. "But Andrew?"

Pete's firm stare changed into a full glare then a raised eyebrow as a smirk played across his lips. "Is there something you're not telling me Luke? Do you have a problem with the colour of Andrew's skin? Or is it the fact that he's a handsome male who will be spending a lot of time with your mate?"

"What? No! Why would I care about something that is only skin deep?"

"So it's because he's also a good looking man who's going to be spending a lot of time with your mate."

"No. Not that either. I'm not bonded with Jaynah." My expression lost its hard edges as I grew thoughtful. "At least, I don't think I am. I've been very careful to keep my hands to myself when she's around."

"So you find her attractive then?"

I nodded. "It's hard not to. She's the type of woman I'm attracted to. Except for the thing about being by the book."

He nodded and a curious look came into his eyes. "These next few weeks will be interesting. But put all that to the side. As I said when I came in, Jaynah and Andrew think they've found the site of the vamp's latest kill, but Jaynah's wiped. They're handing it over to you."

I pulled out my phone and sent off a series of texts. "Where are they?"

He gave me the address of a hotel. "Andrew's taking her to get something to eat while you're getting there, but don't waste time. She hasn't had much sleep in the last few days and she needs to rest."

My phone announced a text from Kelly. My team was waiting for me in the garage. I nodded. "I will. My team's ready to go. Can you tell Grant to make sure Tami and Julian get to class on time? They went to help feed the horses."

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