What's next?

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I finally finished Serenity, so you can read just how Tami finds her mate and avenges her mother's death! There's a link to the story at the bottom of the page (just click the external link button at the bottom of the page)

I have several ideas for other projects that I am working on, Including an original series featuring the Amazons. The one that's in the forefront at the moment is a police procedural, but I'm keeping that under wraps until it's ready.

In the meantime, I hope you have enjoyed Sanctuary.  Please feel free to leave some feedback, even if it's negative.  My one request is that if there are things about the story you didn't like, that you're honest and constructive in your criticisms.  Simply saying that a story sucks doesn't help me find the areas that I need to work on to improve my skills.

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