Chapter 2

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"Hang on Opa. There's a knock at the door."

I got up from my desk and went to answer the door. Krystal stood on the other side, a pair of envelopes in her hand. She had a broad grin on her face as if she had good news for me. "Come on in. Tami's almost finished with her bath." I pointed to my computer and held out the chair for her. "I was just talking with Oma and Opa. Feel free to talk with them if you want. I think they will want to hear what you have to say."

"Sure. I'd like to catch up with Hans and Erika."

Krystal sat at my desk and I could hear her chatting with Opa while I went to the bathroom door and knocked on it. "Tami, time to get out and get dressed. Krystal's here and my grandparents want to meet you."

I could hear the water splash as she climbed out of the bath. I turned and went to rejoin Krystal. Five minutes later, the door opened and Tami stood dressed in her pyjamas, ready for bed. She ran into the lounge room and stopped a few feet away from Krystal. In the way of children everywhere, Tami got straight to the point. "Hi Krystal. Is Luke my Daddy?"

Krystal laughed as Tami asked what was on her mind. "There's no mucking around with you is there? I have the results here, so shall I tell you?"

Tami jumped up and down next to me, unable to hold in her excitement any longer. The deep laugh of Opa came from the computer. "I think you better tell her. We're also dying to know."

Krystal is a counsellor at Eastbourne. When I had gotten her back to the stronghold, I took Tami to her for a paternity test and asked the lab to put a rush on the results. As far as I was concerned, it didn't matter. Tami was mine, and if the test showed otherwise, I would adopt her. The adoption process was a long and expensive one. I didn't want to put her through that if I didn't need to.

Krystal winked at me and handed each of us an envelope. I opened mine and a broad smile crossed my lips as I scanned its contents. The contents weren't a surprise, I already knew in my heart that Tami was my daughter. The results were just confirmation. "Do you need help to read what it says?"

She shook her head and smiled up at me. "Mummy taught me to read." Her hands tore into the envelope. She unfolded the letter and I could see a small frown forming on her brow as she worked out what it said. "Luke is my Daddy?" She looked at me, the silent question in her eyes asking if she had gotten the words right. I nodded. She read it again, and again, until what it said sank in.

An excited squeal echoed through the room and Opa's laughter rang through the room. Even Oma joined in as Tami bounced round the room yelling "Luke is my Daddy".

The door to my apartment opened and Dad walked in. "I take it the test results are in. I could hear Tami down the hall. How do you feel about it?"

I looked at Tami and smiled. She was a beautiful little girl and I could see so much of her mother in her features. In just a few days, my life had changed so much, and the changes were only just beginning. No longer was I only responsible for myself. I had a child who needed me to care for her and teach her everything she needs to know to survive in our world. The responsibility of it hit me and I lost my smile. "Scared. I'm not sure if I'm ready for it."

"I was the same when I married Claire. You have people around here that will help out when you need it, all you have to do is ask." Dad turned and fixed me with a steady gaze. "I mean it Luke. Don't think you have to do it all on your own. You don't have to be perfect. You will make mistakes. It's how you handle them that is important."

"We're only a call away if you need advice." Oma's voice came from the computer, reminding me about the video call.

"Thanks Oma. It's approaching Tami's bed time. How about you talk with her for a few minutes while I talk with Dad and Krystal about a few things?"

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