Chapter 3

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As the phone rang, my gut twisted, almost as if I knew who would be on the other end before I answered. It was Debbie's number, but I suspected it was someone else. As soon as the person on the other end spoke, I knew what it was about. There was no way Luke would call me if it wasn't important. If he had any other choice, he would have taken that way over talking to me. For him to bring me in on his case could only mean he thought that something connected his case with one of mine. His demand for me to bring my files with me was only confirmation. I needed to know which case he was referring to. His oblique response to my question was enough for me to know which one. I assured him I could be there in three hours. He said Debbie would meet me at the airport and hung up.

Mike's hand rested itself on my shoulder and I could see the concern on his face. "The plane will be ready for you to leave in two hours, I've already messaged the pilot and he'll be waiting for you, in our smaller plane, at the same hangar you arrived at yesterday. Are you going to be okay? Luke can be rather abrupt at times."

I gave a dry, humourless laugh and shrugged. "At times? He's like that all the time when I'm around. I don't think I've ever seen him crack a smile unless it's at something Kelly said. I don't know, I guess he's just a hard man to pin down."

Mike placed his arm in mine and walked me to my room so I could pack. "If there's anything I've learned about you, it's that you're more than a match for him. I don't think you have to worry."

Our footsteps echoed off the stone walls for a few heartbeats before I responded, a wry grin on my face. "Just don't be surprised if you hear of Eastbourne disappearing in a mushroom cloud."

Mike laughed as we reached my door. "I don't think there's much chance of that happening."

"We'll see."

He kissed my hand and left me to my packing. Not that I had much to pack. I had only been there one night and hadn't gotten round to unpacking yet.

Three hours later, the plane was touching down. My hand went to shield my eyes and I wished I had brought my sunglasses. After an hour on the plane, the glare from the bright sunlight reflecting off the buildings hurt my eyes. Debbie's face told me everything I needed to know. They had found another body. "One to ten, how pissed is he?"

"Twelve. He's furious. Be thankful his daughter is getting out of school in an hour. You have six and a half hours before he has scheduled the briefing. Knowing you, you've already prepared your material. One thing Luke can't fault you on. He knows you've checked and rechecked your data at least ten times since you left Paris. Dieter and Pete will be present, and the members of Luke's team, bar one. We're not sure he will even turn up."

I struggled to keep up with what Debbie was telling me. "His. Daughter? Blaise said you were being called home because of an orphan. He said nothing about it having ties to Luke. It's confirmed then? The child is Luke's daughter?"

"Results came in last night." She looked at me, a stern expression on her face. "Whatever you do, don't give him a hard time about it. He's taken enough shit as it is. This. You. The body. Has all it him at once and he's struggling to keep a civil tongue. Provoke him and he's likely to be even more volatile than ever."

I held up my hand in surrender. "I can't promise I won't provoke him, but I can promise not to do it on purpose. It can't be easy for him."

Debbie's expression turned to one of surprise. "Is that sympathy for Luke that I hear Jay?"

I shrugged. "I remember how hard it was for Michel when he adopted Marie. Even though he had Yvette to help him, it was still a huge change for him. To go from being a bachelor to having a mate and child overnight. It's not an easy transition to make."

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