Task 2

75 1 6

Now tell me how u feel when u get to the capitol and how u like ur stylist and mentor


(we just chose their names u chose details urself)

One.... Jacob Smith

Two...... Luna Holmes

Three...... Hermione Pond

Four....... Edward Collins

Five..... Benedict Williams

Six...... Gauis Cullen

Seven...... Rory Watson

Eight..... Matt Song

Nine...... Toby Turner

Ten...... Melody Swan

Elevan..... Finch Gillan (girl)

Twelve....... Saphira Nymphadora (girl)

This is your mentors names, u can chose theeir apperance, give then nicknames or shorter names whatever, and your stylist you can make up completly!

This wont be marked, this is to show off skillz to sponsers to see which district they want to sponser, 6 sponsers 12 district, you gotta give this your all, due in, in one week, 22nd of august, england, in camping again soon so yeah.....

Good luk

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