TASK 1 courtniibabesxx entry

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hey chloe these are my task one answers :)

stephanie avril byrns:

I pull at my tank top nervously trying to look at least a bit presentable. This morning I somehow managed to fashoin my hair so it look like it was SUPPOSED to be scruffy and knotty in a kind of side ponytail. I had no hope with Perry's hair. Her short scruffy crop of hair on top of her head simply refused to stay flat. I knew cutting it would be a big mistake but it was what she wanted so i didn't mind too much. I tug at her pretty pink cotton dress so it's no longer lopsided. living on the streets made it hard to find decent clothes. i'd lost my mothers beautiful wedding gown ages ago and i was so upset but i had to settle on the purple pink tank top and my demin jeans that i'd took from a strangers washing line a while back. The Reaping was ahuge deal so i'd made sure Perry and I had managed a sneaky wash in the river by the edge of the district so now we were looking almost as clean as everybody else.

"is it soon?" perry asks.

"yes perry you've got to be quiet. you've got to be quiet and listen carefully."

i check for the last time we look okay and then tun my attention t o the large crowd. i can see a girl called Louisa from school who i've never really spoken to, kyle smithy who sometimes worked at his dads stall in the market at weekends.and right over the other side of the stage is jack. jack the butchers lad who ive known my entire life. my secret crush on him had always and was going to stay a secret because all the girls "loved" him. they all flirted and swung their hips, something i have never been able to do.

I think about how these people might not be here tomorrow. they could be saying their last goodbye's tonight.to their family, frineds everybody.

"Steph!" Perry whines "cant we go?"

"No perry! Shhh! they'll be coming on soon and then after we can go"

"what if we get picked?" she says looking around.

"what?" i say my tone softer now.

"well what if i has to go or you has to?"

i think about it a minute. i never actually thought we might get picked. our names are only in once each.

"dont be silly perry. our names ar eonly in once. some people 's are in almost twenty times. we'll be fine dont you worry."

but my comforting words dont seem to be a help and she begins biting her nails anxiously.

there's a sudden uproar as Effie Trinket appears on stage, her hair a bright neon yellow a

, wearing a bright orange dress complete with red pearls and heels to match

"welcome welcome happy writer games and may the odds be ever in your favour!" she says making large hands gestures. i feel perry grab my hand and i suddenly feel nervous. my tummy clenches and im watching effie but not really concentrating on her or what she's doing.

the large glass ball is brought on by the popel fro the capitol and i feel tiny beads of sweat forming on my forehead.

"and the male tribute for district 3 is..."

there is a long pause as a name is drawn from the orb. "...Dean Jacobs!"

i let out a breath i didn't know i was holdin gas does almost everyone else except dean jacobs and his family and friends. see the boy mak ehis way up the steps and sttand by effie's side. ive seen him before in school. he's older then me, in his last year ready to get a job. ive never really noticed him before but now he's one of the most important people in our district.

"and for the female district 3 is...."

everyone holds their breath again as the final name is drawn from the orb. perry grips my hand tighter, almost cutting off the circulation in my hand but i dont care cos she needs me and she wont be able to cope on her own and i wont be able to cope knowing she cis on her own...

"stephanie avril byrns!"

oh no...

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