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<pre>I got in line after my father kissed me on my head and wished me good luck. I just rolled my eyes at him. I knew I was going to volunteer and I was prepared. This year, I would be the writer games victor. The only thing I was worried about was my little brother, Ripple. I really hoped he wouldn't be chosen to compete.

I let out a breath of relief when Blake was chosen as the male tribute. This annoyed me because killing a family friend might make things awkward. Oh well.

Then the lady, who was dressed in clothes even wilder than the shiny pink sundress that I was wearing, announced she was about to pick the female tribute.

I raised my hand and shouted out " I volunteer as tribute!" all heads turned towards me and I put on her best smile. I walked up onto the stage, remembering my posture, and took my spot next to the announcer. I grinned at Blake and he smiled back.

"A warm round of applause for our tributes!" the announcer said in an overly excited voice and everyone burst into applause. My smile was still stuck on my face and I knew I looked just like a young innocent girl who was excited for something she couldn't handle. Perfect, I wanted people to underestimate me.

Finally they quieted down and the peacekeepers came to escort me away. I smiled at them too, keeping up my facade

My little brother came pushing through the crowd. He squeezed between the peacekeepers and grabbed my hand i his. The peacekeeper went to strike him but i grabbed his hand just before it landed on Ripple. The big man stared at me dumbfounded so I gave him another sweet smile. I really needed people to underestimate me so I couldn't go around flaunting my strength or abilities.

" Bebe don't go!" Ripple cried, tears streaming down his face.

" I have to honey, this is what I've trained for. But I promise I'll come back. I love you and mommy and daddy very much so I will come back." I told him and hugged him. He sniffed and nodded, then let go of my hand.

The peacekeeper ushered me forwards, leaving Ripple behind. Leaving my family behind. Leaving my house behind.

I was going to win the games, and I was going to return just like I had promised. I just knew it.

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