Chapter 33

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Juliette could barely stand the thought of her brother and now knowing he could potentially be coming to get her brought a sick feeling to her stomach. She felt like maggots were crawling all over her body as she stared down at the clear water. She could distinctly hear her mother talking to her, though she just couldn't bring herself to focus on what she was saying.

"Juliette, my precious baby girl."

Tears streamed down both the females faces as Juliette once more remained trapped in her mind. She screamed as loud as she could but her lips refused to move. She just continued to stare at the water as her body continued to be washed. She could distinctly hear talking outside the bathroom and instantly knew it was her boys. She wished she could speak to them, they were her angels. The only two people who were able to hold her safely to the earth. She knew they would protect her and this child with every fiber in their body.

"Mom." Sean stopped as he stood outside the bathroom with his brother. They didn't want to frighten Juliette but they needed to know she was okay. "Boys, please stay out there. Have some clothes on the bed for her to get dressed in, though for god sakes please leave the room after that." Her voice was firm though you could hear the motherly tone in it. They would follow simple orders without complaints.

Angelica turned her attention back to Juliette as she grabbed the shampoo. She missed bathing her daughter as she grabbed the comb as well. Juliette relaxed slightly under the care of the women she considered her mother. She knew she needed to not put up a fight when it came to her, this was her protector against everybody when needed. She could relax but she wouldn't force herself to speak if it wasn't necessary at the moment.

Sebastian looked through the closet as his brother sat on the bed. "How about this?" Sebastian stuck a hand out showing a long pink dress that had a deep plunge of a neckline. "No." The hand was pulled away quickly as another outfit was pushed out, this time it was a black shirt and some leggings. "Something for her to be comfortable in." Sean nodded his head as he stood up.

"Well come on, you heard what mom said." Sebastian walked over to the bed as he sat the clothes down and followed closely behind Sean. Once out the door, Angelica proceeded to finish up with Juliette bath. Getting up she grabbed a towel and moved to began helping her out of the tub. "Come on love, let's get you dressed." Juliette submissively followed behind her mama.

Once out the bathroom, Angelica silently thanked God that the boys followed her simple request. She helped her into her undergarments before pulling the clothes onto her body. "Do you want to sleep first or do you want to get something to eat?" Juliette needed to have as much opinion in the things she did to continue to assure she was in control. "Could I sleep for a bit?" Angelica nodded her head as she assisted her into the bed.

She had hoped she would have chosen food, but that could wait for now. "Okay darling, I'll be back when you awake. If you need anything please yell for me." Juliette nodded her head as she turned on her side. She closed her eyes and willed herself to think of a happy memory. She heard the door close but she didn't let her mind dwindled on it too much.

Instead, she allowed herself to get lost in the memory of her wedding day.

"Juliette." Sean's voice could be heard outside the door as she stared at herself in the mirror, a small smile formed on her lips.

"Sean you better not come in here!"  Angelica yelled from the inside. Juliette couldn't stop the laugh that flowed out softly. "You know I don't believe in that stuff ma." She said as she did a small twirl to the side. She looked absolutely beautiful in the dress both her and Angelica picked out. It was a pearl white dress that had semi-embroidered fabric that accentuated her thin waist and flared out a bit at the ends. There was a v-line that plunged straight down the middle showing a bit of cleavage.

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