Chapter 11

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"Common love."

Juliette smiled at her master Sean. "Don't you want to go play on the swings?" He asked playfully and she nodded her head. He grinned and picked her up gently before running over to the swings in the park. Listening to her sweet laughs and see her face light up in joy.

The twins believed that a day out would be good for her, hoping to keep her mind of the sexual assault she had experienced a couple days before. Sebastian watched his brother and kitten enjoy their time together. He was left to do the work for the day. He had to make sure to remind himself to discuss with Sean when they should ask Juliette if she wanted to press charges.

He knew she wanted to forget, but that bastard deserve to be punished for what he did. He also had to make sure their business was okay while they took this break away from work with Juliette. He made sure to leave someone trustworthy in their positions while they are away. They needed to be with Juliette in this moment.

Sebastian could see something change in his angel. He could see her trying to work her way through this, putting on a happy face whenever they were around. He didn't want to address it yet, but he knew soon so that she doesn't think it's okay to keep her true feelings from them. He needed her to be honest in these moments, so that he and his brother could help her.

He had arranged for them to take a trip out the state to go to Hawaii. He noticed after watching the movie everything everything, Juliette had shown a clear interest in the place. He already discussed with Sean and they planned to tell their princess later on in the day. He was glad to hopefully see some joy on her face.

Sean pushed Juliette on the swings and laughed when she commanded him to push her higher.

"Kitten must have forgot who is in charge." He said in a playfully stern voice. Juliette squeaked as he picked her up and swung her around. Laughing he kissed her cheek and sat her gently down on the floor.

"I love you Juliette."

"I love you to Master."



He nodded his head, he wanted her to say his name for a little while. "Yes kitten I want you to call me Sean for a while. We're going to take a break for a bit. Is that okay with you." Juliette thought for a moment. "As long as you and master stay in charge."

He nodded. "Of course love."

"Let's go tell Sebastian the news." She grabbed his hand and Sean pulled her along towards Sebastian who was still typing. "Brother." Sebastian looked up from the computer with a raised eyebrow.

"Would you like to tell him Juliette or should I?" Juliette blushed softly and kept her head down. "I guess I will be doing the honors. Brother I think till Juliette is comfortable with us that we should allow her to use our first names instead of master. What do you think about that?"

"I mean it's a smart decision so as long as she agrees then I have nothing against it. I do though hope that we can continue our progress and continue moving forward." Juliette nodded liking the sound of his words.

"Well since that's out the way who's hungry?"


Juliette smiled at her boys as they argued on where to go for lunch.

"I want Chinese food!"

"Well I want wings!"

They turned to Juliette and she simply shrugged her shoulders. Not minding where they went as long as they went someone seeing as her tummy was turning into a monster. "Could we just go get some wings." She looked at Sean apologetic and Sebastian fisted bumped the air. "Fine we'll go get some wings."

With that they were off. Juliette was happy to an extent that they were on their way to go get some food to put in their bellies. The ride was quiet and calm as soft music played in the background. The windows was down as Juliette hair slowly flowed in the wind, while she looked at the passing colors.

"We're here guys."

The three got out the car and proceeded to the building. Juliette was put in the middle while Sebastian talked to the lady. Sean arms were around her waist as he pulled her close. Juliette let herself bask in the close proximity and pushed those thoughts away.

She just wanted to enjoy a meal with her masters. "Ok booth or table?" The waitress asked and Sean quickly answered. "Could we have a booth." Juliette lips lifted into a small smile, they had always sat at a booth no matter where they went.

"Follow me please."

Once seated the three ordered water with lemon for all and sat waiting for their meal. Juliette could see the waitress flirting with Sebastian but saw once after Sebastian turning away and bluntly ignoring her. It brought a grin to her face as she knew there was no point in being jealous after seeing the look on his face that told her that he was hers alone.

She snuggled up between the two and listened quietly to them talking. She always enjoyed listening to their voices. It gave her a sense of calmness and put her mind at ease.

"Okay guys an order of 50 wings with bones and here's an order of 30 boneless wings. Hope you enjoy your meal."

Sebastian stared at Sean as he slowly picked up the 50 wings and brought it close to him. Sean shook his head. "You're very funny brother if you think you're going to eat all those wings by yourself."

"Oh it's not a joke, I ordered these for myself. You can share the boneless wings with Juliette."

Juliette started giggling as the two brothers eyed each other down. "Give me some!"

"No!" Sebastian said as he held the wings closer and Sean leaned over Juliette and began to pull at the basket. "Brother I swear to god if you don't give me those wings me and Juliette is going to watch White Chicks without you." Juliette gasped adding a dramatic affect to the mix.

These two would be the death of her as she watched Sebastian reluctantly hand over some wings. Sean held a satisfied smirk to his face as he ate some wings.

Juliette took the boneless wings and ate some. Sebastian glared at the two playfully before he started eating as well. The three were a big mess but they were each other messes and they wouldn't have it any other way.

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