Chpt 7: Killers ESCAPED!

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Selena POV:

I looked at the message going through it, I mean why do they want harry, Harry has nothing to do with this, I went to my room and grabbed my bag as I added my shoes on and put my brother's cellphone in my bag and I went to find harry..What if Harry doesn't want to see me because I didn't want to get back together, its not that I didn't want to get back together believe me Harry is the love of my life, but my brother died for saving his life, he basically had sex with me when I was depressed, he took advantage of me, I know he didn't do it internally but it hurt, because Harry is Julio best friend and sure he cried but sex pleased him quick, I'm not mad at him at all but it still hurts

I grabbed my car keys and went out the door and to my car, I injected my car keys and reversed making sure I don't hit no one I then started driving to Harrys place, I just hope he's there, I just hope they didn't kidnap him, but they asked me to give him Harry?, I don't even know who they are? And why did they message it to my brother cell and not mine, come to think of it who are they? I stopped at a red light as I waited until my phone went on I went into my purse and noticed it was my cell so I answered "hello"I said " hi, is this selena Gomez" a man said " yes, this is she"I said " hi I'm office Murray and I'm terribly to say this but, your brother's killers escaped"The officer said I litterly dropped my phone, my brother's killer escaped? Beep,beep I looked behind me and saw cars beeping at me I look ahead and noticed the light was green I picked up my phone " selena, selena you there" I started driving as I put my phone to my ear " what do you mean they escaped?"i said through the phone " looks like they planned it out, look selena we just need you to be careful"the officer said " how did they escape, you guyd are payed to protect and serve, you let my brother killers lose, how is that your job"I said I'm pretty pissed actually " I understand your mad"the officer said "mad? No I'm beyond pissed, my brother died recently and I'm hearing his killers escaped"I said " okay selena, were looking for them don't worry just be careful"the office said " find them"I said and hung up, I can't believe my brother's killers are out, walking on these streets

I finally got to Harry place, I took off my car engine and took out my car key as I grabbed my bag and walked out and walked to the familiar house I put my hands up about to knock just as the door flung open " I can't believe him" Louis said as I moved back a little as he looked at me " selena right?"he asked I nodded " your Louis right?, Harrys friend?"i asked and he nodded " yeah, what are you doing here?"he asked "uh..I'm here to see Harry, I need to talk to him"I said "oh well that dipshit isn't here"Louis said " where is he"i asked " I honestly don't know,"he said " did he do something wrong"I asked " do something wrong, hell yeah he did, dyed my fricken hair"Louis said as I just noticed hes wearing a towel " pererment?"i asked she shook his hair " I'll kill him if he did"Louis said I laughed " are you gay?"i asked "gay?,no I just love my hair"he said I nodded " sorry, so you don't know where Harry is?"i asked and he shook his head " he actually hasn't been here since yesterday"Louis said I nodded I don't think they kidnapped him "okay, well, I'll see ya later?"i asked and he nodded and I left

I got to my place, I wonder where Harry is? He's not at his place, I went to check his favorite place in the world and he's not here, he's been missing since yestarday and he hasn't tried to call? I suddenly gasped they didn't kidnap him I quickly got off the sofa and added my Sandles and went to get my keys and went to my car as I reversed and then drove and went to the police station

Once I got to the police station I ran to the man " hi, can I talk to office Murray?"i asked " who are you?" He asked " selena Gomez"I said and he nodded and went. Moments after office Murray came " miss Gomez please come to my office"he said I nodded and went as I took a seat and he did to " so miss Gomez, what can I do for you?"he asked "i need to fill out a missing person paper"I said " missing person, who's missing"he asked " my boyfriend, I mean he's not my boyfriend no more... A friend his name is Harry styles"I said as he wrote it down " how long has he been missing?"he asked " yestarday"I said " morning, afternoon?, night"the office asked "i..uh...I don't know...look I went to his place todays, his friend said he hasn't been home since yestarday and I got a text message from someone saying they want Harry and I know its those people who escaped, because I put them in jail"I said as I started crying " okay miss Gomez leave this to us"officer Murray said handing me a tissue, I gratefully took it and then I looked at him " leave this to you guys?, you guys can't even do your job right"I spat out " miss Gomez"officer Murray said but I stopped him " it was a mistake coming here, excuse me"I said as I got up immediately " selena leave this to us"office Murray shouted but I ignored him and left I left out the door as I bumped into someone "oh, shoot I'm sorry, I wasn't looking"I said "its okay"the raspy voice said I looked up and noticed it was...



Hey guys! hoped you enjoyed! sorry for the late update! creds to bitchdoe for writing it, i;ve just been really busy! but promise, ill update the next chapter! 

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