24 days

4 3 0

I waited downstairs,playing on my phone a bit.

George walks into the room.

"So...you are going to the Zoo,with Lucas?" The tone of his voice told me he didn't believe me one bit.


I thought he could have burst with excitement right then and there.

"Can I go?!" He asked jumping up and down,never would you have thought he was 14..and not 4. 

I roll my eyes.

"Whatever,I guess?" 

Someone knocks on the front door.

"I'll get it!" George says running to the door.

It was Lucas,and right behind him was Phil.

"Hey Lucas!" George said greeting him inside. 

"Hey George." He smiles.

He walks over to the couch and flops down,like he owns the place. 

I roll my eyes. 

"Hey Phil." I say walking over to him and shutting the door behind him.

"Hey Dan." 

I was sort of embarrassed to have Phil over,in the other time I didn't care,but the house was a mess,dirty dishes stacked on dirty dishes,piles of dirty clothes,I didn't want him to think he was dying with a total slob and then decide he doesn't want to die with me. 

"So... are we ready to leave?" George asked.

"Yep." Lucas says


I run upstairs and grab my camera.

"Alright..lets go." 

Lucas drives,George sits in the front,Phil and I sit in the back.

For the whole ride Lucas and George blasted their cringe music on the AUX cord,it kinda made me want to die even more,I think Phil felt the same way because he was rolling his eyes and every once in a while looking at me holding two fingers up to his head. 

Later when we arrived at the Zoo George was complaining about how thirsty he was.

"I am pretty thirsty too,I guess I could go with him." Phil said.

"No,I will,and I will get you a drink,you stay here with Dan." Lucas said.

George pouted. Phil nodded. 

"So..where to first?" Phil asked.

I thought for a moment,what animal do I want to see the most,before I die? 

"How about the bats? We can go to the nocturnal house?" 

"yeah sure,lets go." 

Phil walked behind me,he put his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged him off. 

When we got to the bats I took a few pictures of them hanging upside down. I wonder if they know how much potential energy they have. 

"Where do you want to go now?" I ask Phil.

I can tell he was waiting for me to ask because he answered right away.

"Polar bears?" 

I nod. 

When we get to the Polar bears Phil stares at them for a long time,as do I. 

"My sister,Veronica,she loved Polar bears." 

I raised one eyebrow. 

" You  have a sister?" 



Phil sighs.

" About a year ago now,my mum left me to watch my sister...Veronica,I had my girlfriend over,and she said she wanted to take a bath,well she used to have really bad seizures,and I told her to go ahead,and me being my stupid self,me and my girlfriend..well we decided to..uhm..well you know,and I had my music blasting loud,she had a seizure..and drowned to death,and I couldn't hear her because I was to busy fooling around like an idiot... My mum cries every night,I hear her." 

I stay silent.

"Is that why you want to die?" I ask him.

He stares straight ahead at the two baby polar bears.

He nods. I stay silent,then snap a couple pictures of the polar bears. 

We leave after a bit,Lucas and George are already in the car. The rest of the car ride is pretty much silent,except for a couple comments that George makes. 

We make it home. 

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