28 days

4 3 0

I wake up rubbing my eyes. I turn and look at the time,it's only 12 pm. I get up and look at my phone,12 missed calls from Phil and 30 messages.

Phil: Dan come get me

Come on Dan wake up

Answer me



Come on Dan wake the hell up and come get me.

I am waiting.

And so on.I get up,throw on some clothes and my shoes,I grab my keys and sluggishly walk out the door.

When I pull up to Phil's house there he is outside,I roll down the window,he walks up to it.

"Finally,I have been texting and calling since like 8 o'clock this morning."

I chuckle a bit. 'i saw." 

"Phil? Phil hun." 

Phil's eyes grow big,then he rolls them.

A lady with a green face mask and a pink robe with bunny slippers and a towel on her head walks to us. 

"Ph-" She stops herself and looks a me.

"You must be Dan." She smiles big,to big. 

I nod my head and give her a weak smile. She reaches her hand threw the window to shake my hand,I shake it.

I should probably get out of the car and meet her,but she didn't make it seem like it was a big problem so I sunk a bit into my seat. 

"So where are you two going today?" She asks turning to Phil,then back to me. No one says anything for a couple seconds. 

"The,park." Phil speaks up.

"Aw,are you playing ball again?!" His mum asks.

I can tell he fells uneasy by this question.

"Yeah,he said he could teach a bird to play,so I thought I would give him a harder student,me."

Phil's mum laughs. Even though I wasn't potentially joking.

"Alright well you guys have some fun." Phil's mum says pulling Phil into a hug,he hugs her back,barely,he just puts his hands there,and I think she can tell that his hug is weak because when he pulls away she squeezes his shoulder and looks him straight in the eye,like the please tell me what's wrong look.

He slides into his seat and we drive away.

When we are a fair enough distance from his house he asks me.

"we need to plan how we are going to do this."

"What do you mean?" 

"Don't play dumb." He says rolling his eyes.

I shrug.

"How we are going to kill ourselves?" 

I nod,a long nod.

"So?" He asks.

"Can't we just plan that tomorrow?" 

"Are you trying to flake on me Dan?" 

"No! I just thought.." 

"What?" He asks curiously. 

"Well,there is a carnival going on downtown,and I thought." 

"We could go? Are you serious?" He asks with a tad bit of attitude. 

I shrug.

"Fine lets go." He says staring straight ahead out of the window.

I drive to the carnival. 

Writers Note: So the next chapter is when things get a tad bit lovey dovey,anywho I promise this fan fic is going to get alot better,just bear with me. Also imma post more tomorrow! xx love you 

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