12 days

4 3 0

I go to work,I make a few calls,after making a few I decide I have earned myself free time,so I scroll threw a few websites,nothing new. 

My shift is over,I rush home.

I'm home alone,like always,dad and George are at a baseball game,Martha,my step mum,is at work,and my little sister is downstairs. 


"Just me." 


I rush upstairs. I look threw many boxes,until I find a paper that says.

'Bubler county prison.' I grab the paper and rush to my room. I hold the paper in my hand,I stare at it for a moment before shoving it in my desk drawer. Someone knocks on my door.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Can I come in?" My little sister asks.

I open my door.


She stands there with a barbie doll in her hand.

"want to play?" She asks handing me the doll.

My little sister was always the one out of everyone in my family who didn't fear me,she seemed to love me actually,she always tried her best to hang out with me,and every time I would ditch her. 

I take the doll and smile.

"yeah lets go." 

I walk downstairs,wondering if it was even normal for a guy to play babrbies with their little sister. Probably not,but I didn't really care,I was hanging out with my little sister,thats all that matters.

My dad walks threw the door. Along with my brother,they give me a weird look. I stand up and run upstairs.

I flop on my bed.

I fall asleep.

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