If You Leave, Never Come Back - John Laurens × Reader

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We love an angsty queen! I really hope you guys enjoy it. Also, Happy Thanksgiving!

Warnings: Angst and leaving people

Time: Hamiltime!



"Love! Please, don't get upset." John pulled me closer, trying to calm me down. I pushed him away. I begged him not to go off to the war. He promised me he wouldn't go. Hot tears were running down my cheeks.

"John, why did you lie!?" I choked out. My heart felt broken. Something was going to go wrong. I could feel it in my blood.

"(Y/n), I need to go to fight for our country and for-" He tried to finish.

"For the slaves freedom, right? That's more important. More important than your wife?" I spat, venom dripping off my words. I shook my head. He looked down.

It was silent for a minute. Until I heard the whine of a horse. John looked at the door. He looked back at me. This wasn't happening. It couldn't be.

"(Y/n), I apologize, but I need to leave." I looked up. It felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest. I need someone to pinch me. Suddenly my angry took over me.

"If you leave, never come back." I looked him in the eyes. On the inside, I was punching my myself over and over again. I didn't want to say that. I love John. He loves me...right?

"Then... This is goodbye, (Y/n). I love you.." John's voice cracked. My heart was officially broke. He didn't mean that.

"J-John! Wait-" John walked out the door before I could even finish. I looked at the door. Trying to process what even happened. Then it really hit me. He wasn't coming back.


Sorry y'all! I was in the mood to do some John angst. If you guys would like to request, feel free to message me or comment!

Author out!

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