author's note

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hey guys, so i've been thinking. see, i've been working hard on these chapters and i honestly don't know if you guys like it or not, so if you guys like it, love it, or hate it can you leave a comment for me on what you think. because not knowing makes me nervous, like why keep writing if people don't like.

And Nad you don't count lol. seeing you vote for my story makes me smile girlyyyy.

And imma give a shout out to Ashley Strickland and Kailey Ray for being one of the very first ones to read this.  And I'm not sure if Ashley still reads this but I know Kailey does, she tells me all the time about how she hates the way I end the chapters. But I do it to purposefully make her mad now. XD, love you guys!!

And don't forget to comment, please and thank youuuuu.

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