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Kyla was currently seated in Draven's office, reading a book. She doesn't really have an option of what to do, anyways.

Draven had decided to bring her into his office, because he felt that he shouldn't treat his princess like a prisoner.

Though he would still keep her by his side. It's an essential need for Draven now, to have her by his side.

He was not one who evoked fear to rule, but everyone will still unconsciously bow down to him because he was simply the King.

His eyes would dart towards Kyla every now and then. Her eyes glowing at every paged flipped, and it contorts into panic at some pages, before calming down again. She even would heave a sigh of relief at some point, which caused Draven's ears to perk up unconsciously, as his lips furled into a crooked smile.

The panic in her eyes was so delightful, so heart clenching. It was an addiction, his sadistical addiction. Her voice when she sigh was absolutely entrancing.

He shook his head, before trying to focus back onto his original task. His work.


He was finally done with his work, as he worked the pile of papers neatly onto his desk, before walking towards Kyla wordlessly, and pulled her along with him back to his room.

Kyla can't really push him away and run, the ruler's physical strength was not a joking matter.

Once they got back to the room, Draven automatically locked the door, before turning back to Kyla.

The kind events of Kyla naked completely once again replayed torturously in his mind. Again.

Yeap, he had been haunted with that memory ever since that day, and he tried his best to will it away, and to shut down all screens that played it. But guess what? New screens showed up.

Draven sighed frustratedly, before telling Kyla to go take a shower.

She really needs to not stay in his sight for a short while, so he can calmly gather his thoughts back to morality.

Kyla shuffled around awkwardly.

Oh yeah. Clothes.

Draven eyes glinted with his usual mischief, as he strided over his closet, and took out the smallest shirt and pants he have, before handing them to her.

Of course, he had ordered one of his helps to get some underwear for her.

Its immoral to have her by his side stark bare underneath his clothings. It's too tempting. Alarmingly tempting.

He once again, was kindly taken to the flashback of her glorious body, and he forced his gaze away from Kyla, hearing her quickly walking around to get her underwears before shuffling into the showers.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, and tilted his chin upwards, closing his eyes.

He had to think normally, at least try to.

But the water pelting down from the showers was distracting. The fact that Kyla was showering, and obviously being... bare.

Draven mentally sighed. She is forever embedded into his head.

He can feel his thoughts going loose, as he fathom all the possible things he can do to her in her birthday form.

He rubbed his face, trying to will the now hardening member to go back to it's peaceful state.

Really, it was frustrating to not be able to touch Kyla as he pleased even though she was just there.

A small part of his mind couldn't do it. It wouldn't want to make Kyla afraid of him even further, nor be repulsed by him. Because once he starts, he probably can never stop, and only leave her precious princess bruised and damaged permanently, mentally and physically.

Sadistic ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now