The son of a goddess (Pt. 1)

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Ancient Greece, 337 B.C.

Alexander the great. That's what they called him. Alexander Hamilton, the great king of Greece. He was only 18 at the time he started ruling after his father died. 19 now, he is said to be the greatest king ther ever was and will be. His training from aristotle since he was 14 makes him a military and mathematical genius. Everyone loves his charming personality. He even visits and interacts with the villagers to learn what they need. His good childhood friend Lafayette became his general when he claimed the throne. The women and children of the villages love to hear his stories of battles and his childhood. His mother Rachel was the most beautiful person you would ever see. Her rich dark hair flowed down past her hips and her soft sea-green eyes held the wisdom of a past ruler. She was a mysterious woman that never shared her feelings. Some rumored that she was the daughter of Hera. Alex looked like a carbon copy of his mother. He had the same dark hair that fell onto his shoulders, but had the piercing blue eyes of his father. His face was defined and sharp like a diamond. He was quite handsome.

Alex was walking through the forest while hunting. He had his eye on a deer that managed to escape. He chased it through the forest and spotted it near a bush. He hid behind a tree and drew back his bow. He released the arrow and It hit the deer in the back leg. It let out a whine of pain and ran off, though it was slow because of the arrow. He cursed under his breath and ran after it. He turned past a tree and stopped in his tracks. He had to rub his eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming. There in the distance, a boy was in a white robe with long, curly, tawny colored hair and beautiful caramel skin sitting next to the deer that Alex had shot. Alex couldn't figure out if it was the sun streaming through the branches and hitting his skin, or if he was actually glowing. The boy turned to the side. Alex's jaw dropped to the ground. The boy was covered in copper freckles everywhere, all the way down his legs. His eyes were the most piercing emerald green that The king had ever seen. He looked no older than 17. The boy reminded Alex of a fawn. Alex was hiding behind a tree and he took a step forward, causing a twig to snap. The boy turned around in a panic. "Who's there?" His voice was so soft and smooth, like honey. The blue-eyed king paused for a moment and stepped out from behind the tree. The boy stood up slowly.

They stood there, staring at each other not saying anything. "Are you lost?" Alex said. There was a long pause of silence before the boy shook his head. "What's your name?" Alex asked. "How do I know you wont hurt me?" The boy asked, taking a step back. Alex took the bow from across his shoulder, and set it on the ground. He held up his hands to show him that he had no more weapons. "I wont hurt you, now whats your name?" Alex couldn't help but stare at the beautiful boy standing in front of him. The boy didnt say anything. "I'm King Alexander of Greece." Alex stepped a little closer, but the smaller boy took abother step back, so Alex then backed away. "I should be going now..." He started to walk quickly away. "Wait!" Called, so the boy stopped momentarily. "Will I even know you name?" The boy just smiled at him and dissapeared into the woods.

The next day, Alex returned to the same spot. Once again, the beautiful boy was there. He turned in surprise, just to see Alex coming out from behind a tree again. "You returned, why?" His honey voice filled the quiet woods. "I came to see you again." The dark haired teen responded. The wind blew the freckled boy's hair in the most beautiful way. He really did look like a god. "Why would you come looking for me? you dont even know my name." The boy moved a hair out of his face. "Won't you tell it to me? I told you mine, it would only be fair if you told me yours." Alex noticed that the other teen's robe was pristine white, strange for being in a forest. "Why should I trust you? You Mortals are cruel to your fellow animals and even other mortals." Alex was confused. "Why do you say mortal?" He asked. The boy took a step closer. "My name is John. John Laurens." Alex's eyes widened and he stifled a gasp. John Laurens, The son of Aphrodite, was standing before him. That explains his radiating beauty. "The son of Aphrodite..." Alex kneeled down on one knee and bowed his head in respect. "You're the King here, I should be kneeling for you." John said. Alex looked up at him in surprise. "You are a goddess's son, I am merely a street rat compared to you." Alex said. "Nonsense, please stand. You don't have to bow for me." John walked up to the dark haired boy and tucked a purple flower behind his ear. Alex stood up slowly. "Why did you come to earth?" He asked, Dazed. "I enjoy the animals here on earth, especially the turtles." John explained. There were a few footsteps and voices coming from behind Alex in the distance. John began to panic and look in that direction. "I must go, you cannot say anything about our encounter to anyone." John ran into the forest. "John wait!" Alex grabbed his wrist. "When will I see you again?" He asked. "I dont know." He said and yanked his arm away from Alex. "Will I see you again?" Alex asked, causing John to stop briefly. Before he dissapeared, he turned to Alex. "We'll meet again, I promise." Just like that, he was gone. Lafayette and about 3 personal soldiers appeared around a tree. "Alexander!" Lafayette said. "Ah Lafayette, what are you doing out here?" Alex asked. "Looking for you of course. Who was that you were talking to?" He asked. "Talking to Whom?" Alex asked. Surely Lafayette didnt see John. "I thought I heard you talking to someone." He said. "You are mistaken, I was just reciting poetry. I like to speak out loud sometimes." He lied. "I see. Your mother told me to find you for supper." Lafayette explained. Alex looked in the direction that John had run off in one last time, then headed back with Lafayette.

Later that night, Alexander had a candle by his bedside table so that he could read. There was a knock at his window. (Lets just say they had windows) He turned to his window and saw John standing on his balcony. He walked over to the window and opened it. The curly-haired immortal stepped into the dimly lit room. "You came." Alex whispered. "I said I would." John said. "I will confess, I didn't expect to actually see you again." Alex pulled 2 cushioned chairs out for them to sit in. "You would doubt a god?" John giggled. Alex just marveled at the son of Aphrodite's beauty. Even in the night, his skin still glowed, illuminating more of the dim room. They talked for a long time, not about anything in particular though. Soon enough, A fiery orange sun was rising from behind the horizon. The orange light came streaming through the window. That was John's cue to leave. Alex grabbed his arm. "Do you have to go?" He asked. John sighed. "Its not good for me to stay." He started to walk towards the window, letting Alex's grip slip from his hand. He paused at the window. A smirk spread across his face. "I guess I could stay a little longer. If.... you show me around the kingdom." Alex smiled and took the God's hand.

(Hahaha Gues what, Im back biatches! Bet you didnt expect me to update :P)

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