the Locket (pt.1)

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My name is John Laurens. I'm not a normal human being, I don't have feet like everyone else. I have a tail. I live in Atlantis with my father. I'm not just any other mermaid, my father is long of Atlantis,  making me the prince. It's pretty great being royalty... exept for when you have overprotective parent. I've always dreamed of going to the surface and watching the humans. My father used to tell me stories about ships, and humans, and the amazing devices humans use to discover new lands. "Father, when can I go to the surface like you used to do?" I asked. My father turned to face me. "What did you say?" I he asked again, as if he didn't hear me. "Father when will I be able to go to the surface?" I asked. "John, humans are cruel and evil beings. I will not allow you to go to their land." He said. "But Pa, you always told me about the amazing things humans did. You told me about ships, and books, and animals that swim outside of the water and in the clouds! Why do you now say that they are vile and cruel?!" I exclaimed. He sighed. "John, I think it's time you knew." He whispered. "Do you ever wonder what happened to you mother?" He asked. I nodded. What was he going to tell me? "Not long after you were born when you were about three years old, your mother was caught in a fishing net. The humans captured her and tortured her untill she eventually died." He explained. "I don't want that to happen to you." He grabbed my hand. "You are all I have left and I can't bear to lose you." He hugged me tight. I felt guilt pang in my heart. He is just protecting me.

I was playing along with the turtles up near the surface, when something fluttered in the edge of my vision. Curiosity got the best of me and I followed the glittering light. I stopped in front of a silver heart with a matching chain. I grabbed it as it floated upon the surface of the water. I studied it carefully. It was a heart with decorations engraved in the small piece of silver. I looked back up at the surface. Did it come from there? I know I was told not to go past the syrface, but I was 18. I could do whatever I want. I peeked my head up above the water. There was music and laughter from a distance. A large woofer structure was nested in between 2 giant boulders poking out of the sea. Is this what they call a ship? I leaned against the rock and watched the humans above it in the "ship." They looked exactly like me, exept they had two tails. I think they are called legs? That sounds right. They twirled around and moved so quickly I could hardly keep up with every step.  I found my eyes following a certain boy. He looked quite young, maybe 19? His clothes were fancy and his hair was pulled back neatly with a piece of string. I listened closely to the conversations, but I couldn't understand what they were saying, it was all just muffled words. I wish i could move around like that. Flipping these fins doesn't get me very far.

I layed on the rock and watched the ship for hours. I sang as I watched. My voice drifted across the water like a breeze. It was said that Mermaid's voices are the most beautiful sound in the land. Even more beautiful than the song of the birds, even more beautiful than the playful call of the dolphin. It was even said that our voices were like a playing song. I saw the boy looking over the edge of the boat, in my direction. His ocean blue eyes sparkled against the reflection of the water. "Prince Hamilton, what might you be looking at good sir?" A dark man asked, he had a thick French accent. Hamilton? "Can't you hear that? It sounds like the beautiful voice of someone singing." He said. His neatly tied hair blew around in the cool afternoon wind. "Ah, you must be hearing zechanson des sirènes. Zey say mermaid's come up to ze water to watch us and zere voice sounds like bells." He said. The sun was setting and I had to go soon. "I'm sorry, but I dont hear anything." The dark man said. "Mermaids you say?" He closed his eyes and leaned his head over the rail. "Your majesty, we had best be on our way before the sun comes down." Another man came up behind him and said. The boy looked out at the water again. Suddenly, his crystal blue eyes met mine for a brief moment. He gasped and I dove into the water to keep out of sight. "Sir, what is it?" I heard one of them ask. "I... thought I just saw... nevermind." He turned back and headed towards the castle on the hill.

I went back down under the chilly water. I saw Peggy waving her sunflower yellow tail at me, signaling for me to come over. I grinned and swam towards her. "Woah, somethings got your tail in a bunch." She joked. "I went up to the surface today." I said. She gasped. "How was it?!" She asked exitedly. "Oh it was wonderful! There was a festival going on in this giant vessel, I think it's called a boat, near the shore and the music was beautiful. Then there was this one boy..." I paused. "Oooooh looks like Johnny boy is in love~" she cooed playfully. "Hey! But he was so handsome..." I swam down to a coral bed and layed down on an open spot. "I heard John talking something about a handsome man and I had to come hear this." Angelica, Peggy's sister came over, along with Eliza. I chuckled happily. "Spill." My cheeks turned red. "I went to the surface today and saw this boy up on the shore." I said. "What did he look like?" Eliza asked exitedly. "Well, he had dark brown hair that was pulled back like yours-" I pointed to Peggy. "His eyes were like the ocean. They were a beautiful violet-blue color. He had a fancy uniform on, I think he might have been important. I think I heard that his name was Hamilton." I said happily.

For days after that, the boy would come out every sunset to the shore. He would roll up his nickers and wade out into the shallow water. Sometimes I would sing to him. He never saw my face, so he never knew it was me. Sometimes he would come out and read his book, I think it's called, on a rock near the water. It was funny when he would read aloud, not knowing I could hear. It was odd that I could understand him and his language, seeing that we are two very different species. He came out every day for a many days. Every time he left, I wished more and more that I could be up on two feet with him. I could dance and run like everyone else.

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