Say Goodbye

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!This is not historically accurate!

*1781, Yorktown*

Alex's P.O.V.

I slammed the butt of my musket into a redcoat's face. I whipped my head around and stabbed another redcoat with my bayonnet. The war was about to end and it would be a victory for America. The British were running low on supplies, and The cost of the fight was getting to expensive to continue. It's time to meet my son! With a great smile on my face, I ran towards a tree for cover and shot 3 redcoat's on the way. I was surprised to meet my good friend John Laurens behind the tree also. "Good to see you Alexander." I said looking behind me for any approaching enemies. "Please, call me Alex. Good to see you John." He turned and shot his musket. "We shouldn't be having to fight much longer, the redcoat's are running out of supplies and money to continue fighting." I yelled over the sounds of the battlefield. "Ah yes, then we can go back to our families. You get to see your son!" He exclaimed. I nodded. He didn't know it, but I had strong feelings for the boy. Yes I'm married and have a son, but I can't get him out of my head. Unfortunately, any homosexual conduct is outlawed and frowned upon. "See you on the other side!" John said putting his hand on my arm. "See you on the other side!" I clapped him on the back and he took off running into the battlefield, his tied up curls bouncing with every bound. There is nothing I wouldn't give to feel his pink lips on mine, just once.

From the other side of the battlefield I see Hercules Mulligan pounding on British soldiers. I look to my left and See Marquis De Laffayette shoving a redcoat to the ground and thrusting his bayonnyet into the man on the ground's chest. He looks up at me and smiles. "Monsieur Hamilton!" He walks over to me. "Monsieur Laffayette!" I punch his arm, not hard enough to hurt him. "In command where you belong?" He asks. I nod. "We're finally on the field, we've had quite a run!" I shoot a man in a red coat. "Immigrants, we get the job done!" We say at the same time. "Behind you!" He shouts. I turn around and grab a man's arm while he tries to stab me with a dagger. I knee him and the stomach and he crumples to the ground. Laffayette stabs him with his own dagger. "The war is almost over! Freedom for America means freedom for France!" He shouts as he leads his men into another part of the battlefield.

I feel a sharp pain as I am shot in the arm. I find the man and shoot him. "ALEXANDER! JOHN'S IN TROUBLE!" Hercules yells. I look over and my eyes widen. Across the way, Laurens is fighting a redcoat, but another man sneaks up behind him. I run as fast as i can to the other side of the battle. "JOHN! LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!" I scream as tears crowd my eyes. He looks towards me after he kills the one redcoat, but doesn't turn around fast enough. The redcoat picks him up by his shoulders and throws him to the ground with a loud 'thud.' I sprint as fast as i can across the blood stained grass, dodging lifeless bodies. Laffayette sees what is happening and runs towards the same place I'm going. The man towers over John, an evil smirk on his face. The small boy's eyes widen in fear as he trembled on the ground. Before I can reach him, the man thrusts his Bayonnet through John's chest. 

John screams out in pain as he clenches the dirt. Blood stains his white shirt and vest. My heart shatters as I angrily take out my gun and shoot the man who stabbed him. I skidded to a stop next to John. I take the bayonnet out of him and he screams. "Shhhh... it's ok I'm here." His eyes shoot open and stare at me in horror. "Alex it hurts... I dont wanna die." He clenches my hand, probably scared to death. "I know I know, I'm trying." I whisper as I frantically try to find some way to save him, but it's no use. He starts crying. It pains me so much to see him like this, the strongest person i know, falling broken. I choke back a sob as I rip my jacket to stop the bleeding. "Please don't leave me." He begs, His teeth clenched and blood running down the corners of his mouth. I want to save him, but I know I cant. He's only 27! He has a long life to live! Don't let him die now! He closes his eyes, but still clenches my hand. I put my hand over his heart, it's slowly beating just enough to keep him alive. "Alex its no use." He said helplessly. I couldn't hold it back, I bit my lip as a tear rolled down my cheek. "Please John..." His grip slowly faded from my hand. "No No no!" I cried. He opened his eyes weakly. He put his hand on my cheek and I gripped it tightly. He pulled a blood stained parchment and wrapped my hands around it. His eyes slowly closed. The life drained from his body and his hand fell as I squeezed it. He went limp.

"NO JOHN PLEASE!" I screamed. I shook his body, but he didn't move. Tears fell down my cheeks, but I wiped them away. I couldn't save him. It's my fault. I couldn't stop the tears from coming. I bit my lip untill it bled. I opened the bloodstained note in my hand. You could have done so much more if you only had time.

Tear drops fell onto the inked paper. Everything seemed to shatter. It hurt to lose him, the person i loved. I kissed his lips softly. It didn't feel right. I hated that it had to end this way.

I had to say goodbye.

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