charm bracelet (pt. 1)

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- 6 years old -

John's P.O.V.

I ran through the hallways of my elementary school. Mr. Seeder called us in for class to start. I skipped over to my desk, my curls bouncing with every hop. I grinned and took out my crayons. Doodles of turtles and flowers and anything else that popped into my 6 year old head, filled the paper. Mr. Seeder stomped over to my desk, snatching the paper and lecturing me again about how i shouldn't draw in class. I rolled my eyes and huffed when he took my crayons away. "I think you drawing look very nice." A little boy with chocolate eyes and a cute button nose complimented. I blushed slightly. "Thank you... Your the only one who thinks so." I mumbled. "Your really good at drawing turtles!" He pointed to a green doodle on the page. "Turtles are my favorite!" I giggled and he giggled along with me. My heart skipped a beat. His laugh was like music to my ears. What is this feeling? "What's your name?" I asked the boy. "Alexander Hamilton, my name is Alexander Hamilton. But you can call me Alex." he brushed his long dark hair behind his ear. "I'm John Laurens, you can call me John... some people call me Jack or Jacky though." He smiled. He held out his hand, and i shook it. "Your hands are soft." He giggled again.

From that moment on, me and Alex became best friends.

- 10 years old -

I waited at the school gates for Alex and fidgeted with the hem of my sweater. "Hey John!" Alex ran up behind me and slung his arm over my shoulder. My heart fluttered. "Hey Alex!" I pulled him in for a hug. "For the 4 years I've known you, your still a huggy type of person." He said. "Is that bad?" I asked, letting go of our hug. "Nope! I love hugs!" He said and leaped into my arms. I chuckled and squeezed his small body. He giggled and flashed me his signature smile. A smile creeped across my lips. "Mon Ami's!" Laff came running towards us with Herc's hand in his. "Hey y'all, How's it going?" I asked, breaking away from me and Alex's hug (much to my displeasure). "Eh, it's going." He said, his French accent thick. "Hey Herc!" I fist-bumped him and he grinned. Suddenly, I was shoved to the ground and my head hit the pavement. "Watch it Nerd!" Jefferson shouted as he ran away. I groaned sat up on the warm pavement. "John! Are you ok?!" They all rushed down by my side. "Yea I'm fine, just got my head." I mumbled. "Je jure que je vais tuer ce cafard un jour." Laff growled (I swear I'll kill that cockroach one day). Nobody understood him, but we didn't really want to ask. "Do you need to go to the nurse?" Herc asked. "Nah I'll be alright." I brushed the dirt off my jeans and stood up. I felt dizzy and stumbled, grabbing on to Alex's arm. "You sure your ok?" Alex asked. I nodded my head. "I'm fine. Just a bit dizzy." I smiled. He smiled back and my heart almost leaped out of my chest. His smile was blinding. My heart was beating fiercly. Why is my heart beating so fast? "Well I'm sorry to say but I have to go..." Laff groaned. "Yea we should probably get going too." I jerked my thumb at Alex and I. "See you at lunch!" Herc and Laff shouted and walked away. We waved goodbye.

As we were walking through the halls, I noticed the poles were decorated with red and pink streamers and the walls had paper hearts taped on them, signaling it was close to Valentine's day. Alex snaked his hand into mine and slung his backpack up on his shoulder. My face went hot. Why do I feel this way when he touches me? I can't have a crush on him... he's my best friend. I'm supposed to like girls... right? "Hey John... I know it's close to Valentine's day so i... uh... made y-you something." He said nervously. He pulled a bracelet out of his coat pocket and held it out to me, his hands shaking. "I'm sorry i-its not much... but I don't have money and-" I cut him off by wrapping my arms around his torso. "I love it!" I took it from his hands and slipped it on my arm. It wasn't much, but it meant so much to me. There were plastic beads that spelled out my name and a turtle charm on the end. A grin grew across my face and I squeezed his skinny body tightly. "Y-you like it?" He asked. I nodded my head and he smiled. I swear there was a slight blush on his cheeks.

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