Poisoned Heart

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(Zombie Apocalypse AU)

John's P.O.V.

The zombies Just kept coming. Wave after wave, after wave. There was little hope for us. "Guys! In here!" My boyfriend, Alex yelled. He grabbed my arm and dragged me with him and the group into... a general store? "Barricade the door!" Herc shouted. We grabbed anything we could to barricade the doors. There was a low growl coming from somewhere inside the store. "Shit... stay quiet." There was a zombie somewhere in the store. "I'll go find it." I said. "Please be careful." Alex said and kissed my head. I nodded and took off to find the zombie.

I slowly peeked around every corner.  There wasn't one anywhere. There were footsteps behind me. I spun around, but nothing was there. Something flashed out of the corner of my eye. Suddenly, I was tackled to the ground and met the disgusting face of a zombie. It screamed and tried gnawing at my arm, but there was duct tape around it, so it couldn't bite. "HELP!" I screamed. I held the undead person away from me with the butt of my shotgun. I finally managed to push it away from me. Alex was standing in front of me, and shot the crawler on the ground. I panted heavily. "Are you alright?" Alex asked, helping me to stand. "Yea I'm fine, it couldn't get its teeth through the duct tape." I explained. Another crawler wrapped its arms around me and jumped on me. "Shit!" Alex exclaimed and tore the crawler off of me. It lunged for him And snarled. Before it could do anything, He shot it. More were coming behind us. "This isn't as safe as we thought!" He exclaimed and we took off running. "Guys we gotta get out of here, there is an open door and it's just crawling with zombies." I said. "How do we get out of here then?" "There should be a back door somewhere." Peggy said. "Its our best shot." Eliza added. "Let's go!" We sprinted towards where Peggy said the back door was. We finally found it and slipped outside. There were a few walkers that we caught the attention of, but we hurried away before they could get to us.

There was a warehouse in the distance. It still had lights on, so there must have been survivors inside. "Guys! We can head to the warehouse! The lights are on!" I exclaimed. "There must be survivors inside." Herc said. Alex stopped and hissed, grabbing his arm. "Alex are you ok?" I asked. "Yes im fine. It's just a scratch." He said. I kissed him and grabbed his hand as we went towards the warehouse. We got inside the fenced area and closed the gate. "Let's get inside!" I told Alex. He stopped and slipped his hand out of mine. "Alex come on." I motioned for him to come, but He didn't move. "Alex?" He looked at me sadly. He took a deep breath. "I can't." He said. Everyone turned around and stood behind me. "Wha-what do you mean?" I asked. Something doesn't feel right. He rolled up his sleeve to reveal an infected Zombie bite. I gasped and covered my mouth in horror. "When... We were in the general store and the crawler tried to get you, I shot it.... but before I got it, it got me." A single tear rolled down his cheek. "I'm sorry." He whispered. Tears crowded my eyes. "Nononononono..." I shook my head in disbelief. I ran towards him and flung my arms around him. "John, stand back I don't want you to get hurt-" "I don't care!" I cried. "I-Im not leaving you behind!" Tears ran down my face and landed on his shirt. "W-we can go to the warehouse a-and get you help! Th-there has to be an antidote s-somewhere!" I wailed into his shoulder. "Hey, look at me." He cupped his hand around my face. I looked straight into his glossy chocolate eyes. "There's no antidote..." He whispered. My heart shattered. "P-please." I begged and held him tighter. "I'm so sorry." He laced his fingers through my curls. "I-Im not l-leaving you..." I choked out in between sobs. "You have to." He picked my head up and connected our lips. It would be the last time he would ever kiss me.

"Stay strong for me baby." He said. I sobbed into his shoulder. I didnt want to let go of him, because i knew as soon as I did, I would be able to do it again. He squeezed my small shoulders one last time. He pulled out a pistol from its holder and held it out to me. "You know what has to be done." He said. I had to kill him, otherwise he would turn into a zombie, and i knew none of us could bear that. "I-I cant-" my lip quivered. "It's just like killing another zombie." He said, and got down on his knees. I took in a shaky breath and held the gun to his forehead. I put my finger on the trigger, but I couldn't pull the trigger. "I-I can't do this!" I said and lowered the gun. He held it back up to his head and put his hand over mine on the gun. "Then we'll do it together."  He gave a weak smile at me. I squeezed my eyes shut and looked away. "Say hi to god." I whispered and pulled the trigger.


His hand fell from the gun.

I dropped the gun from my shaking hand and buried my face in my hands. I didn't want to look. I didn't want to see my dead boyfriend in front of me laying on the ground. "John we have to go..." Herc said sadly. I nodded my head, but I couldn't move. Herc pulled me inside gently. I completley broke down, falling against the wall. Peggy engulfed me in a hug, and i held her tightly back.

What happens now?

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