Spilled Ink

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(I just srarted a new book called Spilled Ink, as the title says. I just wanted to give you a preview of it)

Lams Fanfiction Modern/Soulmate AU

Everyone is born with a tattoo on their wrist of something their soulmate will say. You can feel your soulmates pain, and when they die, another tattoo appears on your wrist with your soulmates name, Birth-Death, and their age. SOME people never even meet their soulmate. You are lucky if you do...

John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton were born Polar opposites. Quite litterally. John was born in South Carolina, while Alexander was born in the Carribean on an island called Nevis. Both had families that loved them to pieces. Alexander was the kid that everyone was swooning over, even though he was a quiet kid at times. He always made straight A's and always had a nose in a book. But the thing he was most famous for, was his Non-stop writing. His teachers always loved the imaginative stories the boy wrote. John on the other hand, had very few friends, but he was ok with that. He was always in the shadows. He would draw for hours on end and create the most elaborate art pieces you would ever see. He too would get straight A's in all of his classes. His few would tell him how amazing he was, but he never saw the talent in himself.

When Alex was 9, his family decided to move to America, and where better to go, than South Carolina? Coincidentally, Alex's family moved to the same neighborhood as John lived in, taking the house only a few houses down from John's. John was only 8 at the time. Eleanor Laurens, John's mom, went down to the Hamilton house to welcome them to the neighborhood. That's when the-curly haired, freckled, green-eyed boy, met the dark-haired, blue-eyed boy by the name of Alexander Hamilton.

The two became inseparable for the next 2 years. They did everything together. They had frequent sleepovers, and went to the pool together. Alex soon learned about John's many talents. John was the kind of person that you always wanted to be around. He could light up the room just by walking in. He had the most Angelic voice that you could listen to for the rest of your life. He always knew how to make you smile with his corny jokes and silly behavior. Even if he was sad, he would always find a way to make everyone smile. It seemed like there wasn't anything that he couldn't do. John was good mostly everything, even though there are some things he is afraid to do. He is the kind of person who cries during movies, or cries when he sees a kitten stuck in a tree, just because that's who he is. Not only is John a fun person, but he is a beautiful sight to see. His cosmos of freckles pop in the sunlight and glittered like freshly polished copper, it honestly looked like someone took a paintbrush and splattered the freckles across his face. His hair had a mind of it own, but it looked beautiful no matter what. Then... There were his eyes. His eyes are its own story. They look like pure emeralds. You can see everything just by looking in his eyes, you could probably see the universe itself if you looked hard enough. Everything about John was just so pure. John is the type of person that you would just want to hide away and protect from all the dangers in the world. John is just a beautiful person. But There is one ugly thing about him... He couldn't see all of that. If you ever complimented him on anything, he wouldn't see it. If you told him that he sang beautifully, he would say something along the lines of "It wasn't that good" And give you a list of reasons on Why it was bad. It was heartbreaking whenever he cried avout not being good enough, even though everything he did was perfect. The worst thing you could ever see, is John Laurens crying because he thinks he's not good enough.

Alex On the other hand, was almost completley different. Alex is the bold type, Unafraid of everything, and a total klutz. He always had multiple girls surrounding him, who obviously had crushes on him. You would never see Alex back down from a challenge especially if Jefferson was doing the same challenge. Alex is someone you DON'T want to mess with, you DON'T want to get on his bad side. Basically, if you touch John, you die. Alex was very attractive, actually he was EXTREMELY HOT. Even for a 9 year old. His dark wavy hair falls just above his shoulders in a wavy bob. His best feature his probably the ocean blue eyes with flecks of yellow in them, Almost like a peackock' s feathers. Alex is seen as this perfect person who gets straight A's without even trying, he is the fastest runner at the school, and is practically perfect in every way. If you know Alex personally, you know that's all a lie. John is the only person who knows about Alex's Anxiety. He stays up all night for days on end studying and working way too hard when he didn't even need to study in the first place. He always turns in assignments way before they were due and always received 100% every time. Although Alex is a straight A student, he bites off more than he can chew and ends up stressing way too much. Alex is a charming, funny, person that everyone loves.

Even though they were complete opposites, they were inseparable.

But that all changed when disaster struck.

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