25. Hit And Run

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Golden hair danced in the fragrant air when Edwin swung his head back, leaning against the chair he had thrown himself into. He exhaled a deep breath. The loud, obnoxious music from the other side of the wall tried pushing through, thudding out the bass through the air. That constant muffled thudding, booming from the aggressive music, day in and day out. This place was only ever silent when it was closed, most of the time at least. The glossy curls of his hair, previously fresh, bouncy and light, now drooped to mere sways at the tips of his hair. His deep red lipstick had gotten so smeared out over the moonlit night that it barely even tinted the burning cigarette between his lips anymore. Edwin's drunken vision faded in and out in rhythm to the bass from the DJ booth. His fierce eyes glued to the door leaning in and out from the staff room.
"Fucking bitch..." Edwin mumbled incoherently to himself. Without looking, he picked up the foggy glass from the wooden table in front of him. He almost dropped his grip of it for a second. Only almost. He couldn't recollect what he ordered, though likely a cherry vodka. He promptly swallowed down the last of it, dropped his cigarette into the elegant glass and examined it extinguish in the left over liquid.

Wrath in each erratic movement, Edwin dunked the glass back down onto the table once more. A loud groan filled up the room, his own. The backstage area was awfully vacant tonight. At any usual night, as long as the camellia was open, at least one other staff member would occupy the makeup area. Edwin wondered, where was Travis even when he wasn't here? His eyes ran over the messy makeup desk, the dirty coffee cups in the sink, the candy bowl besides the fridge, to the wall of immaculate clothes on the other side. Nothing could keep his mind occupied, keep him distracted. Just then, the door he had been so set on staring at previously swung open. Edwin jumped up in his seat, turning to glare at whoever dared disturb him and allow the unbelievably loud music into the room. Ethan stared back at him with an exhausted but joyful smile. He closed the door to once more damp the music down.

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you! Did I do a go-" Ethan's excited cheerful voice died down as he undoubtedly noticed Edwin's harsh expression. His radiant smile slowly faded from his plump lips. "Oh, you weren't watching, right? Well, Dorah said he thought I did a good job anyways, just so you know." He continued in a considerably lower voice. He spread his fingers through his messy, dark blonde wig, noting Edwin's eyes glued on him like a wolf to a rabbit. Ethan withdrew a slight step from the door and towards his partner. He barely managed to open his mouth when Edwin scoffed loudly.
"Dorah said?" Edwin repeated scornfully, his sarcastic tone mocking. He knocked his chair back and got up, hastily gaining a few weak steps towards Ethan. "You probably fucking relished in it, didn't you? You just, you completely embrace all that. Being up there on the- That fucking stage! Everyone just clinging and cheering over your exposed body, huh? And you just love every damn moment, that attention, don't you Ethan?!" Edwin hissed out. With wobbly steps, he stepped up to Ethan and knocked him back against the door behind them, staring intensely into Ethan's confused eyes.

"What? Oh, Edwin, please what are you on-"
"I know what you're like, don't try with me!" Edwin's loud voice cut Ethan off. "You'll just end up abandoning me for someone better, like- Someone like Zen, right?! What the fuck does she possess that I don't, huh? What is it?!" Edwin glared ferociously at Ethan. His breathe stank of alcohol, his frail arms quivered just the slightest. His harsh eyes stared right into Ethan, waiting for an answer, but Ethan merely lowered his head in uneasy anxiousness. His eyes glued down onto Edwin's uncomfortable shoes, not knowing what to reply. He tried taking a step to the side, but Edwin put his hand onto Ethan's chest and pushed him back again, keeping him stuck against the wall. "Oh no you're not fleeing me like that! Who are you going to? Someone better that me, maybe Chen, or Mei?! God, the list is so long. What do all of those have that I don't?! How come no matter what I produce, it's never enough? Go on, notify me!" He yelled out in violent anger, gaining a firm grip of Ethan's shoulder with his other hand.

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