Chapter 8

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How was I going to tell Harry? I knew this wasn't a good idea. I should have just not called Harry. I should have just let be. I should have never called him. Oh well. I'll just tell him and say he doesn't have to do anything.

Ring ring. My phone started ringing. When I looked at the caller ID: Harry Styles. "Hello?" I reluctantly answered. "Niall? What do you need?" I heard his Cheshire accent rang through my ears. "Umm... Well I'm just gonna get to the point.." "Ok." "I'm pregnant. With your baby." then I heard him drop the phone. "Shit shit shit. No. No. No" I heard him saying.


I ran my hands through my hair. "No. No. No." this can't be happening. Niall's pregnant. With my baby. "Umm Harry? Hello?" i picked up. "Harry I want you to know. You don't have to help with the baby. At all. Okay?" "No niall ill send you checks every month or something." "You don have to Harry." "Yes I do." "No you don't." "Yes I do I will NOT be a dead beat father. Ever. Niall I'll send you a check for $50 every month ok? I just need you to say you don't know who the father is okay? I can't let Li know about this." "About what?" I heard a voice say. Liam.

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