Chapter 11

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***Stiles POV

My head shoots up from my desk in Coach's class. I look around and I don't recognize any of the people around me. They're all looking straight forward at Coach. I feel my heartbeat rising as noone is talking and there is no sound. I quickly grab my bag and run out. Before I make it out the door I turn around to make sure i'm right. They all look at me and move their hands in sequence. They do different hand signals in sign language. I look at Coach who is doing the same. My heart beat is now through the roof and I begin to yell wake up. I need to wake up. This is a dream. This is a dream. This is a dream...

"STILES." I hear. My head shoots up again. Scott is looking at me in utter confusion. The class is normal. Mr.Yukimura is our teacher as normal.

"Scott- I was dreaming." I tell him.

"No. No you wern't." Scott says and he looks down at my desk. I look down at my desk and see my handwriting all over a piece of paper saying wake up hundreds of times. All over the page. My heart beat rises and to control it I take deep breaths.

"Mr. Stilinski!" I hear. Mr. Yukimura- not now.

"Uh. Yes?" I reply in a shy voice.

"Are you alright?" He asks me.

"Yes. Fine." I lie.

"Then come up and read the next chapter for us." He points to the podium at the front of the class. Shit.

I get up and give Scott a worried look. When I get up there I look at the page. I can't read a fucking thing. I'm still dreaming. Oh god. I focus very hard on the page trying to wake up. Nothing. I hear Mr. Yukimura tell me to begin but I can't. My lip is quivering and I have trouble catching my rapid breath. I feel smothered by everything and I begin sweating a lot. Signs of a panic attack. I look through my blurry vision to see Scott coming up to me and pulling me off the podium. He's taking me out of class and into the boys locker room across the hall.

"Stiles' it's okay." He tells me as he puts me on the ground against a bank of lockers.

"No- no this is a dream." I tell him.

"No Stiles this is real this is reality." He tells me. I shake my head.

"No NO this isn't" I yell.

"Is there any way you tell if it's a dream?" Scott asks.

"I can't count fingers when i'm dreaming." I tell him. I'm still breathing loudly and having a panic attack.

"Okay!Okay. Count my fingers with me." He tells me. He slowly rises each and I count with him. When we reach 10 without any problems I feel my heart beat returning to normal.

A few minutes go by of silence.

"Scott-" I say.

"Yeah. It's fine everything is okay." He tells me.

"No! No it's not. You can't control yourself and i'm loosing my god damn mind." I tell him. Scott's face has defeat all over it. I need to figure this out.


***Caroline's POV

I walk through the halls during 3rd period to to find Kira because I know she has a spare now. Luckily I find her sitting on the ground with Scott. Wait Scott?

"Caroline!" Scott calls me over. I walk over and sit beside Kira to suck up.

"Hi." I say. I feel like I intruded on their conversation.

"Um. So your a witch?" Kira says. My eyes widen and I shoot a look at Scott.

"Um??" I direct towards Scott.

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