Chapter 1

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I really hate sappy first day of school stories. Fact is, you don't make friends on the first day. My first day of school was last Monday. It has been a week and 3 days. No friends. And it's not that I'm repulsive or that I have a third eye or something stupid. It's just that I'm far more mature than stupid high school students. At-least at heart. I'm 16 years old, turning 17 god knows when. I'm in grade 11 at Beacon Hills high school. It's in Beacon Hills. Duh. Beacon Hills is a small town in California that is known for its outrageous animal attacks. Unfortunately the police force don't have a clue on what's going on. But I do.

When I was younger, my parents were very distant. We hardly talked, not sure why. I lived in a small town in New Orleans. One day when I was 7, I came home to find that my mom had killed my dad. Not with a knife or a gun. With her mind. My mom was a witch. She had bottled up her witch craft and all of her potential ever since I was born. She said that she accidentally killed him but all witches have a reason behind why they something. After my dad died, I started to research witchcraft. I was young and still growing but by the time I was 10 I was a full grown witch. I could do witchcraft. I was a witch. Hell- I still am a witch.

After my mom killed my dad, I was moved to a coven for girls without a coven. It was in new Orleans, this coven had it all. Witches who were growing, witches who have killed, witches who have died etc. I learned a lot but when I was 12, I was moved to a coven just out of Beacon Hills. I grew up with the witches in this coven. Queenie, Madisen and Naan. Also, Cordelia and Fiona - the teachers. They noticed my impeccable abilities and started to train me to be able to go to high school.

Beacon Hills is full of the supernatural. Witches, Werewolves, Coyotes and the scariest of them all... Teenagers. High school is the scariest place i've ever been. There's so many different personalities lost in this building. For the time that I've been in high school, i've sensed supernatural. I can feel 2 werewolves in the school but I can't quite find them. Sometimes my mind takes over and I find myself walking to find one, it fails. I haven't been able to sit down and talk with anyone since I haven't actually been to my permanent classes yet. The first 2 days were touring the school and meeting with guidance, the next 3 we're more "in depth" guidance. People think i'm traumatized from my mom killing my dad. Fact is, i'm not. It didn't faze me at all. This week started with trying out classes. Today is Wednesday and I have my permanent class list. Economics, French, English, Chemistry and a spare. It's a decent class list.

I am currently driving to school. The drive is 30 minutes since I do live outside of Beacon Hills. I'm wearing a charcoal dress, a gold chain, red docs and red lipstick. Pretty dull if you ask me. I'm quite eager to start school. I mean, actually start. Like get into the process. School is a privilege to witches since most of us can't control ourselves. Cordelia and Fiona have faith in me.


Carolines outfit -

Thanks for reading! xoxo

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