Chapter 5

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It's been 4 days since Stiles and I found the dead body. The boys name was Chris, he went to another high school. I still don't trust myself after what happened. How did I know where to go. My mind isn't suppose to pay tricks on me. Melissa (Scotts mom) called me into the hospital to check something out. She made it clear for just me to go.

"Melissa!" I say across the hall. She is standing in her scrubs at the counter, organizing papers.

"Caroline! Thanks for coming."

"Is everything okay?"

She looks at her feet and tells me to follow her into a room. The room has 2 tables covered by a blanket.


"Okay Caroline, remember Chris? The one from the pool that you and Stiles-"

"Yeah yeah, I remember him."

"Okay, well this is him." She uncovers the blanket at the top of the head. A pale dried up face is underneath and I can't even describe the smell. Death.

"I've already seen him, I know what he looks like."

"I know, but there's 3 causes of death. He was bashed in the head by a bat or something, strangled by a cord or a rope and slashed in the throat. Anyone one of these could of killed him. "

"Why the struggle. Like why so much work?"

"Someone wanted to make a point." She says. She covers him back up.

"But look at this." She adds.

We walk over to the second table and she uncovers the face. Same smell, same face but it's a girl. She has dusty brown hair.

"Her name is or was Melanie. She was killed the day after Chris was turned in."

"Her neck." I point out.

"That's where it gets creepy. She has the exact same 3 injuries. Slash, choke and bash." She says.

"Melanie and Chris." I repeat

"If another one turns up here like these too. It looks like there's a serial killer."

After I have a talk with Melissa, I tell Stiles immediately. He always figures things like this out. I drive to his house and knock on the door.

"Caroline!" Stiles says as he opens the door.

"Stiles can I come in." I ask.

"Yeah. Is everything okay?"

I walk in to his house in front of him. "I saw Chris today." I say.

"Um, Caroline. Chris is dead" He points out.

"Yes I know. But Melissa showed me his um body, well his head." I say.

"Why?" He asks.

"She wanted me to see something. He had a bash on the back of his head, he was strangled with a rope and was slashed at the throat." I say.

"Yikes. But what does that have to do with anything." He says. I laugh.

"Because.. There was a girl there, Melanie. Dead also. She had the three exact injuries."

"Two people?" He asks.

"Yeah, two." I say.

"So Melanie?" Did she have anything uncommon with Chris?"

"Stiles, I didn't talk to her? She's dead." I point out.

"Right, right." He says.

After Stiles and I talk for an hour longer, I leave. We talk and think and eventually we get tired and I go home.

After I wake up, and go to school.

Lunch finishes and I sit with Stiles, Scott, Isaac and Allison. But the fire drill goes towards the end of the break. We're told about 20 minutes after that there was a girl found dead in the girls locker room. Sheriff Stilinski tells us her name was Emily, she was a junoir here at Beacon Hills. Her girlfriend Becka is destroyed and bawling outside the office. Stiles sneaks over to the office to get more information. I follow him because he knows i'm curious too see if she has the 3 injuries. Of course, they don't let us see her but we can still talk about it.

"Dad!" Stiles calls. Sheriff Stilinski turns around. He has a file in his hand and he looks concerned. He is talking to another deputy. She is the one who has to tell Emily's loved ones about how she died. Shitty job.

After talking to Stiles dad, she walks over to Becka. She tries to confront her about what's going on. Stiles talks to his dad about Emily. He can't say much but he says that she was tied up from the neck and slashed. Also, she had a bash in the back of her head.


Sheriff Stilinski continues talking to the other deputy and Becka is crying in the office waiting section. Stiles walks back to me and we begin thinking.

"Stiles. Three people have died by the same three injuries." I say.

"I know, god these Celtics and their threes." He says.

"So, what does this mean?"

"Melanie, the second girl. She wen't here right?" Stiles asks.

"Yeah, she was a senior. Like Chris." I say

"Maybe we can look in her file and see if her and Chris had any of the same classes." Stiles says.

"Are we allowed?" I ask.

"Absolutely not. But we may as well." Stiles says.

We sneak into the guidance office which is easier that we expected. Ms. Morrell isn't in her office and witches have nails that are basically like all access keys. We look for Melanie's file and find it.

"Okay dadadadada..." Stiles reads the information at the top of the file.

"She was on no sports teams, she got the highest mark in earth and science. She founded the abstinence club, she tried out for track-" Stiles reads

"Wait what did you say?" I ask.

"Track?" Stiles repeats.

"No, Abstinence. She was a virgin?" I ask.

"Well, assuming she was faithful. Like they can't really put virgin on her record but I would assume." Stiles says.

"Stiles- Chris has a purity ring. He was a virgin too." I say.

Stiles and I both look at each other in awe and quickly leave the office. Stiles runs down the hall to the office.

He runs up to Becka who has stopped crying but is still sitting in the chairs. Stiles goes up and Sits beside her and I overhear the conversation via witch sense.

"Hey Becka. I'm sorry about Emily." Stiles says.

"Yeah, me too. It's not fair." Becka says.

"I know this is really insensitive and i'm a total dick for asking this but, was Emily a virgin?" Stiles asks. He could not of been more of an idiot. I want to mentally slap him.

"Excuse me?" Becka says.

"Stiles! Get away from her!" Sheriff Stilinski yells. Stiles stand up quickly and looks like a deer in headlights.

Sheriff Stilinski signals for him to get out of there. But, before Stiles leaves - Becka grabs his hand and whispers something.

"Yeah, she was a virgin."

My eyes widen and Stiles hugs Becka and runs down the hall, grabbing my hand.

I stop him so we can talk. We're at the locker banks so Sheriff can't see us.

"Three virgins." I say.

"Oh god. Caroline, someone isn't killing virgins. They're human sacrifices. Caroline, this means that my lack of sexual experience literally threatens my life." Stiles panics.

Oh god.


xoxo! thanks :)

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