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Christines POV

5 years later.

Guilt. Thats all I can feel. I have fallen in love with someone...


I don't know how it happened. But, I fell in love with Erik. Raoul asked me to be his wife, and I agreed.

Guilt has taken over. I'm married to Raoul, yet I'm in love with another. I'm truly a terrible person.

"Good morning, darling." Raoul says as he strolls into the kitchen where I am making us breakfast.

"Good morning, Raoul." I simply reply.

"How did you sleep?"

"Good, thank you. Yourself?"

"Wonderful! I dreamt of you, Christine."

Great. He dreamt of me while I dreamt of Erik. "That's sweet."

Raoul isn't a bad man. He's never done anything bad to me ever. He's the sweetest man ever. Next to Erik, of course. I can't bear to let him down.

I hear a knock at the door as I finish my breakfast. I quickly leave Raoul at the table to see who it is. Erik.

I quickly swing the door open. "Hello, Erik."

"Hello, Christine. I was wondering if you would like to come down to the cafe with me to get some drinks. Dakota is already there." he says sweetly.

"That sounds lovely, let me inform Raoul." I say smiling.

I saunter into the kitchen, kiss Raoul goodbye, and leave with Erik. I'm excited to see my lovely Dakota. She's like a daughter to me. We just have a bond that's so unbreakable.

Erik and I arrive at the cafe and we sit down at an outside table next to Dakota.

"Good morning, Christine." Dakota says kindly.

"Good morning, hunnie." I say back.

She slid a cup with steaming coffee over to me and one to Erik as well. For a while, we just sat, drank, and talked like we usually do.

"Christine," Dakota says. "Could you sing something?"

Taken back, I say, "Sure, what would you like to hear?"

"Think of me."

"Okay, here goes," I clear my throat and begin.

Think of me
Think of me fondly
when we've said goodbye.

Remember me
Once in awhile
please promise me you'll try.

As soon as I finished the word "try," somethung clicked and I fainted with a terrible headache.

I awoke later in somewhere underground. I heard an organ playing and I rose. As soon as I rose my head hurt and I remembered.

The song must've triggered something because now I remember. I remember everything. Raoul was in jail for murder, how did he get out? I was and still am in love with Erik. Meg died and told me to look over Dakota then Erik left me for so long.

I saw Erik playing the organ and I was overwhelmed with the feeling of love. I fell in love with Erik twice.

But, I'm married to Raoul. A murderer. I have to leave him. I can't stay with him when my heart is and always has been with another. Raoul wasn't a good man. And he has done bad things to me. And, I can bear to leave him and I will!

"Erik, I have to go." I say urgently.

He spun around, "Christine, why?"

"Raoul is most likely out so I have to go and get my stuff now. Then me, you, and Dakota can all go somewhere we will be safe. Please, Erik. I don't know how but I remember everything. I remember us and Meg dying and Raoul murdering and we just have to go." I say quickly.

He nods and grabs my hand as we grab Dakota and leave for my hotel room. Dakota waits in the carriage as Erik and I head in.

When I get into the room, Raoul isnt there, just as I thought. I quickly grab a suitcase and start shoving my things in as Erik watches guard outside the room.

"Christine," I hear a dreaded voice say. "Where do you think you're going?"



Thats it guys! Its over! Yaayyy!!!!!! But I will be making a sequel so watch my profile for it! Comment what you think will happen! Love yaaaaa.

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