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Hey guys it seems like forever since I've updated this book! I left a message on my board about it though. But guys if you could please comment I love hearing from people and any critisism and dislikes you can also tell me! Almost 300 reads! So not used to this!! Enjoy :)

Christines POV

I woke up in my bed in my dressing room. An ice pack was against my cheek. I sat up, "Hello?" I said in a raspy voice, "Madame Giry? Anyone?" I layed back down. Oh Erik, why did you leave me? Was it something I did? Was it Dakota? Please...

"I see your awake," Said a familiar voice.

"Tuck," I said.

"Yes but shh! You need rest, go back to sleep." He said brushing a peice of hair out of my face, I leaned into him and fell asleep.


"I woke uo screaming and my face soaked from tears. "Christine, what's wrong?!" Asked Tuck worriedly. I had a dream about Past the Point of No Return. I know I am still inlove with Erik, and he's the only one I'm willing to have a realationship with, I only see Tuck as a friend and I have to tell him.

"Oh, Tuck," I began, "You are such a great guy, and I know that you've always been here for me but, I'm inlove with another,"

He nodded, "Well I love you Christine, and I will always be there for you to keep you safe I promise," he looked up at me, "Just answer me one thing," He said and I nodded, "Is it Raoul?"

"No! God no, he did this to me and he took Dakota!" Oh god, Dakota! "C'mon! We have to find him and her," I pulled him up and we quickly headed to his house. Of course Raoul was there! I walted into the house and saw Dakota tied up with a gun pointed to her head.

"Raoul, stop, please!" I pleaded.

"Oh, Christine. I knew you would say something like that," He grinned a wicked, smug, grin. "And, I know just what to say! I want to make a deal with you, if you become mine, I will let Dakota live and we can be a happy family, deal?" I knew this would be the only way I could get Dakota back alive.

I oustretched my hand to his, there was only about and inch between our hands, "Deal." I said. Our hands met and began shaking.

Devil take the hindmost

"Wonderful!" He said, "You may leave now Tuck!" He said as he pushed Tuck out of the door. "You are now mine,"

**4 Years Later**

"Christine darling," Raoul called from the kitchen. I walked out.

"Yes?" He handed me a letter from a Mr.Y (oooo hahahh). I opened and begann reading.

Dear Mrs.Daae,

I am inviting you to come sing at my new park, Phantasma. You and your entire family! If you agree, a boat will be leaving for Coney Island on the 17th. Until then, I bid you a wonderful day!

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