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Christines POV

Who is this fool who calls himself "Erik,"? He is getting on my last nerve! And why does he where that mask? He's very...mysterious. Something about him draws me in. Im attracted to him, but I'm in love with someone else. And after that fiasco in the hospital I doubt him and I will ever be happy.

Even after I was at the hotel with my loving Raoul, my rebellious mind kept floating on back to Erik. I had to know what was behind that mask he wears. I just have to be near him. I love Raoul immensly but something about him is just...off -putting. I don't feel secure or safe around him. Erik makes me feel protected even though when he gets angry he is scary.

What about Dakota? I have no idea who she is but when Erik mentioned her my heart felt warm. I feel upset that I don't remember them because I can't help but feel like I'm hurting someone.

Erik told me Raoul was in jail. If he was, then why is he here? If he was in jail I'm sure he'd still be there and not here with me, making a yummy smelling dinner.

"Raoul, what are you making?" I ask him as I saunter into the kitchen.

"You'll see, my love." he smiled.

"I can't wait!" I said with a little chuckle.

"It'll be ready soon, wait for me at the table." he says with a smile.

I stroll out of the kitchen and plop myself into a seat and push myself into the table. After a bit of waiting, Raoul brings out our meal. It was chicken with a side of brocolli and mashed potatoes. As we ate we talked about a lot of things including Erik and Dakota. He said he has no idea who either of them are, but I could tell he was lying to me.

For dessert was a scrumptious chocolate cheescake with a rasberry cream on top. It was the most delicious thing I've ever tasted and it just melted in my mouth. Raoul was a good cook, thankfully. I was the complete opposite.

I can't cook to save a life, but I can bake and decorate. That was my favorite talent. Besides singing that is.

"That was marvelous, Raoul. I am stuffed." I said, patting my stomach.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said, shoving another forkful of cheesecake into his mouth.

"I did," I said smiling. "But now I'm very tired so goodnight, darling. Much love." I leaned down and kissed his cheek.

"Much love to you too. But before you go to sleep, may you sing one song with me?" he asks.

I sigh, "Sure."

He stands and takes my hands and we begin.

No more talk of darkness,

Forget these wide eyed fears,

You're safe, no one can harm you.

My words will warm and calm you.

Let me be your freedom,

Let daylight dry your tears,

Im here, right here besides you,

To guard you and to guide you.

We sang in harmony but for some reason it didn't feel right to sing with him. It wasn't until I imagined Erik's voice singing Raoul's words that I could sing happily.

Dear god, am I in love with Erik?



Hey there! How did everyone like this chapter? Was it good? Did you enjoy it?

Is Christine realizing she's in love with Erik?

Will she regain her memory?

Will she leave Raoul?

Will she find out whats behind Erik's mask?

Comment WHAT YA THINK!!!!

Much love 💌💌

Let My Opera Begin (A Phantom of the Opera Fanfiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat